iOS 12 Public Beta 2 was LANSAT on iPhone and iPad


  iOS 12 Public Beta 2 350209

iOS 12 public beta 2 was released for the iPhone and iPad by Apple last night, and the new version of the operating system can now be installed by anyone. All new features that Apple offers in beta versions of iOS 12 are now available to users around the world, so anyone can use it.

iOS 12 public beta 2 can be installed by anyone, but I recommend it avoid it because there are still many operating problems that will ruin your user experience. Problems with applications running at big problems with GPS, iOS 12 is one of the most problematic beta releases that Apple has released so far.

I do not recommend testing for the moment iOS 12 public beta 2 because you will have more headaches than good things, and if you use a backup of iOS 11, you will not be able to maybe more coming back. That said, I recommend that you avoid the iOS 12 beta public 2 and wait for the release of other newer versions of the operating system.

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