Israel led a "large-scale" attack against Hamas, the UN urges parties to calm down


Four Palestinians died on Friday after a large-scale attack by the Israeli army. Tanks and fighter planes have bombed eight Hamas positions in the Gaza Strip, according to IDF officials, as a result of a fierce attack by Palestinian militants against police forces guarding the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip. Gaza. In recent months, the border between the two sides has been the scene of intense Palestinian protests over Israeli politics.

A spokesman for the Defense Ministry said that "today's attack was a severe attack, which we can not tolerate" and added that Hamas soldiers were using grenades and among them snipers. [19659002Israelianswillbeabletousetheepaissestiniancounterpartforthisattackwhichwouldleadtomorewidespreaddebriefing

According to Palestinian sources, according to Reuters, of the four victims, three were Hamas militants, but the fourth was a civilian. At least 120 Palestinians were wounded.

Today's violence has elicited a difficult response from the UN through its representative in the Middle East, Nicolai Mladenov, who said on Twitter that "everyone Gaza must move away from the edge of the abyss Not next week Not tomorrow NOW Those who want to provoke Palestinians and Israelis to war can not succeed. "

The incendiary balloons, source of conflict

At the base of the Israeli attack, there was not only the Hamas attack but also the challenge of the protesters. at the border that continues to fire with incendiary balloons and kites across the border, causing fires in Israeli agricultural crops in the region. According to Reuters, one of Hamas leaders in Gaza, Khalil Al-Hayya, said the balloons would continue. "In the face of the Zionist threat, we say that resistance will continue and its tools will take different forms, including kite flying."

In response, Israeli Defense Minister Avigor Lieberman said that the country was trying to act in a balanced and responsible manner. but that Hamas forces a situation where the only answer will be a "wide" and "painful" military campaign. "Hamas will be responsible, but I'm sorry to say that ordinary people in Gaza will pay the price."

Hamas also reported on Friday that two IDF soldiers who were declared dead during the 2014 war are, (19659011) window.fbAsyncInit = function () {}
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