It was the biggest burden!


Gigi Becali, the financier of the FCSB, is extremely satisfied after the release of Denis Alibec and the purchase by Astra

The owner is delighted to have escaped huge expenses , with only 30,000 euros salary for the attacker.

"When I lost with Astra, it was the best thing for me!" Niculae (Ioan Niculae, owner of Astra) told him that he beat the FCSB and that he can take the championship When I walked away from him, I said: [] Lord … It was the biggest burden of football, you have a thorn out there, you have to put a coach, you pay 20 "

1.4 million. euros will catch up FCSB after the transfer of Alibec, a player who in the past with a year and a half paid 300 thousand more

To go to Giurgiu, the footballer accepted a salary cut he [19659003] Following Newspapers com and on Facebook!

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