Italy wants to close its ports …


Italy wants to close the ports of ships on mission in the Mediterranean when they embarked rescued migrants off Libya, said Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini. the European Mass in Innsbruck, the request to close the Italian ports of the international mission ships, "said Sunday Salvini on his Twitter account referring to a meeting of ministers of the Interior of the EU in Austria, writes [19659003] "Unfortunately, the Italian governments of the last five years have signed agreements for all these ships to place their migrants in Italy," he added.

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About 106 migrants landed in Messina, Sicily, on Saturday night and were rescued by Libyan ship Samuel Beckett on Saturday off the coast of Libya [19659005] Several missions patrol the Mediterranean Sea, and Salvini has not specified the target

The main mission is the Operation Sophia Traffic (EU) in 2015. It is placed under Italian command and its general design is in Rome

There is also the operation Triton, launched in 2014 by the European Agency for the Control of the External Borders of the EU Frontex.

The new Italian government has put in place a policy to reduce the number of migrants arriving on the country's coast.

Matteo Salvini, who is the leader of the League (the far right), banned Wednesday, ships hired by NGOs to enter Italian ports

The Aquarius ship, the French NGO SOS Mediterranean and Lifeline, rented by the German NGO of the same name, had to flee first in Spain In January, 16 687 people landed on the Italian coasts – of which 11 000 from Libya – 80 % less than last year, according to data released Thursday by the Italian Ministry

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