ITM survey, after a Romgaz employee died in an explosion in Harghita


ITM Harghita launched the investigation procedures for the employee Romgaz who died Friday after an explosion at the Cecheşti probe.

"ITM Harghita, following the event in Cechesti, began the process of researching the event involving a worker from SC Romgaz SA Media, working point Cristuru Secuiesc. We stopped working at when the event occurred, the causes and circumstances are studied. (…) The company was willing to protect the perimeter, not to allow access, the Company had already taken the signaling measures, not to let strangers approach the area " said Marian Stan, deputy chief of security According to the source quoted, after the 'l'; investigation of the causes and circumstances of the explosion, the accident will be established.The control body of the Minister of Energy also travels to Mediaş to clarify the circumstances under which the 39; Harghita incident occurred, according to an article published on the Facebook page of the minis

Accident at the Cecheşti probe, following which Romgaz died, was detained on Friday. Barbat, 49, was initially supported by an ISU crew. Unfortunately, after being taken in charge by the Harghita County Ambulance Service team, the man who suffered severe head injuries went into cardio arrest. breathing and could not resuscitate.

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