Jaroslaw Kaczynski: Poland will not yield to pressure from the EU-International


These reforms, criticized by both Brussels and the European Union, will not be part of the pressure of the European Union and will maintain controversial reforms in the judiciary, the leader of the ruling nationalist party, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Human rights organizations are "crucial" to end the corruption and end the communist period, said Kaczynski, leader of the conservative party Law and Justice (PiS) in an interview with the 39 weekly pro-government Sieci.

The Polish government is subject to unprecedented proceedings by the European executive for a set of reforms which, according to Brussels, "systematically" threaten the rule of law in Poland, giving the government control over of Justice

Kaczynski's statements come less than a week after the last reform, which brings the age of retirement of judges from 70 to 65 years old.

This reform affects 27 magistrates of the Supreme Court, more than a third of the total. The head of the highest court, Malgorzata Gersdorf, 65, described the measure as "cleansing" and refused to step down, citing the constitutional right to remain in office until the end of his six-year term. , in 2020.

The Polish Constitution "does not regulate the circumstances in which the term of office of a President of the Supreme Court may be interrupted," replied Kaczynski. "It's a six-year term, but if a person retires during this period, they can not be both retired and judge," he added.

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