Journalist Bob Woodward launches his first book on the US President: "Fear-Trump at the White House" – Essential


American journalist Bob Wooward will release his first Trump Trust book on September 11: "Fear-Trump in the White House".

The publication of the book by the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist is scheduled for weeks before the general election, and two years after Donald Trump took the presidency.

According to sources cited by CNN "Fear" is based on hundreds of hours of recordings of interviews with political sources and officials, and gives the reader an in-depth look at Tump's decisions related to national security, the investigation into Russia's interference in the presidential election, marches in Charlottesville, Virginia.

"Fear is the most intimate portrait of an outgoing president, published in his first year of office," commented a source quoted by CNN

"It's like you're in the oval office, for emergencies in the Air Force One presidential plane or in the White House presidential residence, you are facing Trump and the document book conversations, meetings, political debates and decisions

Woodward became famous because with his Washington Post colleague Carl Berstein made revelations in the Watergate scandal that led to the resignation of US President Richard Nixon on August 9, 1974.

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