Justin Bieber is engaged after a month of relationship. The demand …


The 24-year-old Canadian pop star married her 21-year-old girlfriend Saturday night at a romantic dinner in a luxury Bahamian restaurant. Several customers of the restaurant present on the spot then revealed to TMZ that the bodyguards of Justin Bieber had asked them not to use their mobile phone during their marriage request

A representative of the singer refused to comment on the issue. information, but the couple's closest relatives have made it known that this is true. " Let's say I'm proud, it would be an understatement! I'm delighted and look forward to the next chapter ," wrote the father of Canadian singer Jeremy Bieber in a message posted on Instagram, accompanied from a photo of

The artist's mother, Pattie Mallette, posted on Twitter a one-word message, "Love" ("Love"), but repeated seven times [19659002] Hailey Baldwin is the girl actor Stephen Baldwin, known to The Usual Suspects, and the niece of Alec Baldwin

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