lack of sleep and smoking, among the most dangerous


Lack of sleep, smoking or forgetting for hours on TV are just some of the aging brain habits and can decrease cognitive performance.

Aging causes changes in the brain that slow down cognitive functions: some neuronal areas lose their effectiveness, blood flow in the brain decreases, and inflammation increases. Unfortunately, some daily habits can accelerate aging of the brain, writes

Sleeps less than seven hours a night

Using brain scans, scientists at the Singapore Medical School found that those who slept less than 7 hours per night experienced a decrease in cognitive performance.

A 2010 analysis of researchers from the University of California showed that smoking almost doubles the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease

Lack of hearing protection

A study of the Johns Hopkins University of Medicine revealed that older people with hearing loss are more prone to dementia. Social isolation is one of the main factors that predispose to such problems.

Exaggerated Consumption of Alcohol

A 2012 study conducted at Rutgers University used rats to study "moderate to heavy" alcohol consumption. In the case of rodents, an increased amount of alcohol was administered, there was an increase in the production of nerve cells in the hippocampus – the region involved in some types of learning, reducing its activity of nearly 40%.

Do not play sports

Lack of physical activity is another risk factor for dementia. In a recent study, researchers found that women with "increased cardiovascular capacity" had a lower risk of dementia by 88% compared to sedentary women, according to CNN.

Preference for watching television at the expense of brain building activities

When it comes to neural health, there is research that has shown that the treatment of information or the memory slows down while watching TV. Challenge your mind by reading, learning a new language or completing the famous rebus.

You do not like learning new things

It seems that people with a higher level of education have much lower rates of dementia. "When you learn things, develop new neuronal connections that help long-term memory."

Do not practice relaxation

The effects of stress on the brain are frightening: a study published in 2014 in the United States. American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry showed that anxious people were at greater risk of rapid cognitive decline.In fact, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease increased by 33% in people with anxiety moderate, 78% for moderate anxiety and 135% for severe anxiety

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