Lavrov is intalneste luni cu Netanyahu pentru has discussed purple prezenta trupelor iraniene in Siria


Foreign Minister of the Republic of Serbia, Serghei Lavrov, Prime Minister of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, discussed the situation of Iran in Siria, reported Associated Press.

Netanyahu declared this presidential sentence Vladimir Putin has In this case, the care has taken place in Rusia, conduction of Generalul Valery Gerasimov, seful armatei ruse. The Prime Minister of Israel has discussed this issue in the first place in the context of Siria.

Netanyahu has been able to take his place in the country of Sirian Bashar Assad if aliatii sai din Iran his onoreze acordul din anul 1974, care stabilized crearea a zone demilitariate the border of Israel if Siria. As a result, Israelul will continue to exercise his opreasca Iranul din a-si stabili prezenta permanent militar in Siria.

Cea may mare ingrijorare a autoritatilor of Israel este his tina Iranul cat mai departe posibil de granita. Rusia, a aliyah al-Assad, warned Israelul that he would be a nerealist in his complete retreat of Siria.

Intalnirea de luni vine dupa aproape doua saptamani of the discutia of Netanyahu if Putin despre Siria if Iran.

Cu cateva Inalteray, Israelul intercepted May Multe bought Siria. Incidentul are loc dupa that Israelul a lansat doua bought Patriot spre aeronave venite dinspre Siria, the inceputul lunii.

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