Leo grows at the beginning of the week and the dollar has fallen below 4 lei


The National Bank of Romania (BNR) quoted a euro at 4.6550 lei / unit, compared to the meeting of Friday when it the US dollar also fell, being rated by the BNR at 3.9774 lei / unit, in contrast to the last session of the previous week when he passed 4 lei – 4.004 lei.

] And the Swiss franc fell on Monday, falling below the 4 lei threshold. It was quoted Monday at 3.9971 lei, compared to Friday when it cost 3.9900 lei.

Unlike other currencies, the pound sterling is appreciated and quoted Monday at 5.2757 lei. On Friday, it cost 5 2601 lei

The price of gold gram has dropped slightly. The NBR said that it cost 159.1016 lei, compared to 159.9299 lei as it was Friday

Here is the exchange rate on Friday

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