LG wants to replace your phone with a smart pen


The stylets have quickly disappeared from the list of phone accessories and now the Note series is the most remarkable for using them. Things could change, though.

Using a stylus on a smartphone is pretty redundant nowadays, if you do not have a Galaxy Note. For me, it is doubtful to use it in the case of a note, but I know there are others who can put this stylus to work. More interesting is the Note 9 project, with a stylus that you can connect via Bluetooth to your phone and that can work in many ways.

LG can pick up stakes with a phone that you can even wear in a stylus. Indeed, this sounds pretty weird and we might not see such a device ever launched, but if that was the case, the LG would be proud of a significant success. The idea came in the middle of a patent that the company was waiting to register in 2015, and it has been approved only now. The first is built-in and can provide you with basic information such as time, notifications, and application shortcuts. The second screen is really intriguing. It has a phone screen size and is special in that it can work inside the stylus.

 lg smart stylus 2

LG has a really crazy plan because it promises to use a lot of sensors inside the camera no bigger than a pen: gyroscope, compass, proximity sensor, pressure, camera, iris sensor and even a fingerprint sensor. You also have a microphone and a speaker so you can use your stylus as a phone.

How and where LG could pack so many technologies into a pen, that remains to be seen. Most likely we will not see this on the market, but the project is not bad.

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