LICEU ADMISSION RESULTS 2018. Computerized Distribution Results in 2018 High Schools


  Admissions to High School 2018

Admissions to High School 2018

Results ADMISSION LICEU 2018. Monday, on were announced the results of the computerized distribution for admission to high school 2018

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 results. The Ministry of Education released Monday, on, the results of the computerized distribution for admission to secondary school in 2018.

The results will be posted on, Monday 9 July. Submission of registration files to secondary schools where candidates have been distributed will take place between July 10th and 13th.

Results ADMITERE LICEU 2018. From July 16 to 18, the county admissions committee will settle all the special cases that occurred after the computerized distribution phase, as well as the situation of the candidates having not filed their application for registration and candidates who did not participate or participated. but were not distributed by computer

The second phase of admission, reserved for graduates of class VIII who did not participate or were not assigned to the The previous step, which did not register during the period provided by the methodology or – completed the school situation later, will take place on 7 September.

Results ADMITERE LICEU 2018. The results of computerized distribution in high school will be published on, for those who have enrolled in admission to the university. secondary school.

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 Graduates of Grade 8 and their parents, assisted by class instructors On the 8th, completed the options in the registration forms between June 29 and July 3. The same procedure will be followed by Grade 8 graduates wishing to be admitted to high schools in another county.

Verification of records by parents and candidates, correction of errors in the computer database and list of corrected files in the computer are provided. June 30 – July 4.

The Ministry of National Education recommends completing the card with a sufficient number of options to avoid undesirable situations. The total number of places allocated to public secondary education is sufficient for the distribution of all candidates, the essential condition being the expression of realistic options

Results ADMITURE LICEU 2018. The results of the candidates distributed in secondary education are communicated in the units of secondary education where they were admitted to the site on 9 July. At the same time, in the gymnasium units will be posted lists with vacant places in secondary schools in the counties / city of Bucharest

Submission of registration dossiers in secondary schools in which candidates have been distributed will be done 10 to 13 July. From 16 to 18 July, the County Admission Commission will settle all special cases that occurred after the computerized distribution phase, as well as the situation of applicants who have not filed their application for registration and the candidates who did not participate or participated. but have not been computerized.

Results ADMISSION LICEU 2018. A second phase of admission, reserved for graduates of the 8th year who did not participate or did not not assigned to the previous step, who have not registered during the period specified by the methodology or who have completed their further education, will take place on 7 September.

The distribution of candidates for special places for Roma, as well as the registration and distribution of candidates for special education are scheduled on 5 and 6 July

ADMITERE LICEU 2018 ro June 26, 2018 – 12:00: – The Grade 8 hierarchy has been published at County / Bucharest level.

According to an announcement made by the Ministry of Education, the announcement of the hierarchy at county level / Bucharest graduates of the 8th year according to the established procedure by the National Admission Commission is scheduled for June 26, 19659010] The end of the options in the registration form by Grade 8 graduates and their parents, assisted by Grade 8 instructors , will run from June 29 to July 3, 2018 and will be followed by computerized distribution in state high school education (July 9, 1965)

June 23, 2018, on, in section "Plan School 2018 "have been published lists of specializations, high schools and schools in the counties, as well as the number of places available for Admission to high schools 2018. In the list of specializations you will find the last average of entry in 2017. [19659027] Admissions to high schools will be ublie on

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ADMISSION LICEU 2018 Average Admission to High School

The average admission, whereby Grade 8 students will be enrolled in high school, is calculated as a weighted average of the average General obtained at the National Assessment Examination, which has a weight of 80%, and the overall average for graduation grades V-VIII, which has a weight of 20% in the calculation of the average of Admission

The formula for calculating the average admission to high school 2018:

MA = 0.2 x ABS + 0.8 x EN [19659010] MA = average admission

ABS = general average of grades V-VIII [


The average admission is:

Average admissions 2018 = (ABS + 4EN): 5

] where:
EN = average obtained at the national level supported in grade VIII, (for graduates up to 2003 including the following years). examination m senior for 2004-2007 graduates average for national tests, for 2008 and 2009 graduates average of theses with single subject born in 8th grade)
ABS = the overall average for graduation fifth year VIII

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 High School Admissions Calendar:

June 26, 2018 – Bucharest County Admissions Committees will send to secondary schools who have organized the aptitude tests, the database of the County Containing Admissions, June 19, 2018 – The County / Bucharest Admissibility Committee Will Validate the List of Candidates Admitted Into High Schools / Classes Where They Have Been Tested and Capable to prove their skills. will be displayed in high school, by printing it from the centralized computer application.

June 28, 2018 – The rejected candidates of the courses for which they demonstrated their competences will recover their registration form

Electronic submission of the list of the admitted candidates in each county, to the classes they have (19659010) 5-6 July 2018 – Distribution of special places for Roma by means of centralized computer application

Registration and distribution for Roma [19659010] June 29 – July 3, 2018 – Graduates of the Gymnasium and their parents will complete the options in the registration lists, assisted by the instructors
Gymnasium graduates who want (19659010) ] June 29 – July 3, 2018 – Enter data from enrollment files into the computer database (the computer science application)

June 30 – July 4, 2018 – The candy dats and parents will check the records
Display of the corrected lists in a computerized computer application

4 July 2018 – The last day for the submission of the registration center database to the D & D center Admission
The Commission of the Registration Center will hand over the original option files to the Admission Center of the City of Bucharest

5 July 2018 – The centers of County / Bucharest Municipality Admission will Transmit

6 July 2018 – The National Board of Admissions and Admissions Committees of Bucharest County will verify, correct and then forward the database to the Center national admission, confirming the completion of specific operations in the centralized computer application.

July 6, 2018 – Correction of errors and confirmation in

July 9, 2018 – Computerized distribution in the secondary education of graduates of the 8th grade who n & # 39; Are not 18 until the start of the school year 2018-2019.

July 19, 2018 – Posting results of candidates assigned to public secondary education
The units of the gymnasium will display the lists of graduates distributed in the respective schools and the list of vacancies in high schools of the County /

July 10-13, 2018 – Submission of Registration Files to Schools to which Applicants were Assigned

July 13, 2018 – Public Schools to Transmit Status vacant places following the non-registration of candidates admitted at this stage of admission.

16 – 18 July 2018 – Admissibility Commission to Resolve Special Situations Occurring After the Computer Distribution Phase, Distribution of Candidates Not Applying in a Timely Way , candidates who did not participate and those who participated, but who were not assigned to the stage of the computerized distribution

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 The computerized admission guide. How to fill the admission card

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 Are you the father of a child who is preparing to go to high school, or an aspiring high school student candidate? Do you want to "take" a place in a good high school, but the instructions to fill the admission card give you a headache

If you meet the above conditions, read the following lines

1. Fill out the options on the admission card is done in the order of the preferences of the candidates.

2. Fill in the first places the options you want the most, even if you're not sure that the media allows you to access these options. You will not be disadvantaged. Continue with the options you want, then options that would not bother you to be assigned.

Ends with the less desired options, but you must list them as a security measure. It is best to enter a high school that you do not like but to enter at all!

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 Do not fill in an unwanted option before a desired option! The first option is the first option for each student.

3. Consider the admission environments of previous years to calculate your chances of accessing each option.

4. Filling a lot of options on your admission card does not hurt you in any way – anyway, you go to your first option where there are places.

Instead, too few options can seriously diminish your chances of being admitted! There is a risk of not having a media good enough for any of the options expressed.

There is no "magic number" of options to fill the form: it is important that this number be large enough to allow distribution and control – from the most desirable to the least desirable.

5. Statistically, admissions are from one year to the next, an additional reason to fill as many options as possible on the map! It is possible that this year the average contribution to one of the options is much higher than in previous years, just as it may be lower. The averages of past years are indicative.

6. Validation of files is a simple operation, but mandatory for all applicants – any error in the transcription of school catalogs to the option sheet, the name of the candidate or the inaccurate writing of the Secondary codes can cause inconvenience. The computer "does not know" that a student has completed code 115 but is actually interested in specialization number 151, or that the graduation average is not 5.75 or 7.55!

To avoid the inconvenience caused by poor data transcription On the spreadsheet, the procedure requires you to print the sheets as they were entered into the database. The printed sheet, called "blank", is sent to the school of origin. In the few remaining days between the insertion of the card in the computer and the delay, the supervisors are the ones who summon all the students accompanied by the parents who check the option with the correspondence of the blank with the original record, signing for compliance

the completed form and the blank document should be reported
immediately to the school management, who returns to the data collection center for correction.

7. Between the validation of the card and the computerized distribution, the cards are centralized in the county databases and thus in the national database of the Ministry of National Education

8. Multiple checks and correction of reported errors result in computerized distribution.

9. The allocation algorithm directs students to go down the admission average by allocating them one by one, starting with the student with the best average.
For each student, the first option of the list is searched where there are still vacancies and the student is assigned to this option.

If at any time there is a student whose options in the file do not allow any high school (because the places were already occupied by those with a higher average than him), the student is left unpaid

ADMISSION LICEU 2018 To better understand the algorithm, we take the following examples:

1. We assume that the student has the average of 10. He is the best in the county, he is assigned first, so at his first option. He is the first to occupy first place in the county

2. We assume that the student has the average of 9 and his first option was occupied by 14 students per 14 students with above average average. He will be the 15th assigned to his first option

3. We assume that the student has the average of 8 and in his first option all places are occupied by students with a higher average than his own. If his second option still has free places, he has assigned it to his second option. If not, check the third option on its registration, and the next, in order, until it finds its first option where there are still vacancies.

Note that it can not happen that your "place" is occupied by someone of less average than yours, because you have been assigned to him

4. Assuming that Student A has an admission average of 8.93 and Option X in second place in the Options Sheet, and Student B admits 8.91 and option X in first place in the options sheet, candidate A bids on the assignment for option X (in case candidate A does not have not assigned to the first option), having an average greater than B.

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