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  • Digi Sport Matinal (10:15): Viorel Grigoroiu and his guests discuss the most important topics of CM 2018 and Ligue 1

  • Romanian Supercup: Craiova – CFR Cluj (Today, 20:30, Digi Sport 1)

The new season begins DIRECT to Digi Sport 1 with U Craiova . The Oltenians play at home and aim for the second trophy in less than two months. The match is scheduled from 20:30

The new season begins with the Craiova Supercup. Oltenii hopes to keep the trophy at home – the CFR champion has two and he is angry that he will play in front of 30,000 fans announced

"They have a lot of advantages: the pitch, the fans, the Stadium will be full and we know that the fans are "It would have been another approach if this match was on neutral ground or if we played in Cluj" Edi Iordănescu

& # 39; & # 39; It will be a very difficult match, with a very good team with strong players and a new coach and we will see if this new coach will change something in their style of play. They have taken other good players, in more of the ones they had, so the team is even stronger.In the field, however, players, coaches have their ideas, and Edi (Iordănescu nr) is a coach with some important ideas, Like Dan Petrescu, the Edi style is different from Dan's style says Mangia. 19659004] "If the stadium had 50 000 seats, I'm sure there would be 50 000 fans, anyway, we play with the whole house"

CFR Cluj U Craiova Supercup is LIVE at Digi Sport 1 today at 8:30 pm. The match will be refereed by Radu Petrescu assisted by Ovidiu Artene of Vaslui and Marius Urzică of Piatra Neamţ. The fourth official will be Marius Avram, while Sorin Boca de Iaşi will be appointed judge observer.

Romanian Cup holder Craiova will meet on Saturday at CFR Cluj in the Romanian Supercup of 20:30, live at Digi Sport 1. The most important phases will be in VIDEO format, in real time , on and


CFR Cluj (4-3-3): Arlauskis – Cr. Manea, Vinicius, A. Muresan, Camora – Djokovic, Hoban, Culio – Omrani, Ţucudean, Deac
Coach : Edi Iordănescu

Craiova U Pigliacceli – R. Popa, Gardoş. T. Ferreira – Martic, Cicâldău, Zlatinski, Bancu – Bărbuţ, Burlacu, Mitriţă
Coach : Mangia Quote

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