LIVEText Alexandra Dulgheru vs Venus Williams 6-4, 0-6, 1-5 – Tennis


1: 6 Alexandra defends herself with a lot of energy, but the point still does not come back. Venus still serves very well (30-15). Another service on the outside, two chances to play (40-15). Sold a lot outside the court, Alexandra finds an incredible overtaking in short cross (40-30).

1: 5 Continue the fall of Alexandra (0-15). Venus also made a mistake, this time forced (15-15). Amazing how Venus covers the area of ​​the net: 15-30. Nothing to do: setback in long line (15-40), Venus is "on fire" … Another break, Williams goes to 5-1 and will serve to close the game …

1: 4 9-1 for Venus at the last ten points played … Continue Alexandra 's mistakes – always choose the heaviest variants, and the ball stops listening. There are three 4-1 balls for Venus. He is finally made 4-1, white game for Williams, control. More difficult for Alexandra, the language of the body bet already a slight resignation …

1: 3 The running train pulls a bullet in the car – help that Venus did not even ask (0 -15). Dulgheru misses a volley fly with a free field: 0-40. C-so in tennis, if you do not break and you have chances, this will surely make your opponent … 15-40, two more chances for the American. Here is the expression "avenge opportunities" that applies to tennis, not just football … After 21 minutes, it's 3-1 for Venus. Alexandra played badly in important moments, wasting too many chances

1: 2 Venus continues to serve well (15-0). The mistakes come from forehand, 15-15 equality. This is a weaker period for both players – many errors seem slightly disconnected. From an unbalanced position, Venus can guide the ball to the opposing field: 30-30. It could be a good time for Alexandra. I am not naaat! What a short elegance Dulgheru sent to the ball. Venus escapes once again, helped by the first service – equality. Exceptional Passage – Second break for Alexandra. No chance: long-distance setback – how Venus plays in important moments … The right hand upside down, the ball falls on the tongue – ball of Venus. Williams survived the hard time, and now he's back on the table, 2-1. It was a game in which Alexandra had its significant chances of marking the break …

1: 1 The first two points of the game are divided, then Venus misses the median (30-15). The American returns with a return to the feet of Alexandra (30-30). Fortunately, in a rally he drove, Venus sent to the car (40-30). Here is the winning series of Venus: that's 1-1

0: 1 Wonderful return of Alexandra: just above the step, in-in (0-30). It can be an important moment in the economy of the decisive set. Unfortunately, Dulgheru plays in the pot, as well as the demonstration, and Venus does not forgive her – it could be 0-40 … And if 0-40 is not done, now it's 30- 30 … Incredibly, what moment our player missed. Dulgheru no longer has strength and his ball stays in the net … Venus ball. Four points in a row, and the American is saved … I can not get the thought of this point dealt superficially by Alexandra … What luck he missed

0: 6 Venus sends long, the ball uncomfortable on Alexandra (15-15). This does not pass the passing of our player: 15-30. Venus is a few balls to administer a "bagel" Alexandra … Excellent defense Dulgheru – passes on Venus, has a ball game now (40-30). Against Venus, after Dulgheru played too short … Returned blocked with the backhand – what execution did Venus! The American misses the ball game, tie. Again the right causes errors in the right of Venus: ball for our player. The violent return of Venus: what would Alexandra do to such an execution? The first ass of Dulgheru, but the game does not end – as if we were captive in this game … The second run for Williams. Unfortunately, the whole ends here after a double mistake of our athlete (0-6)

Alexandra asked for a time off medical. It seems that there are some problems in the left knee (there were problems in this area throughout the career)

0: 5 A rare thing: an error of Venus on the reverse (15-30). The American runs away with the service: he varies enormously with this shot … 5-0 ball for the former world leader. The violent return of Alexandra: 40-40. An important ball won by Dulgheru … What a shame: Alexandra gets well in long line, but the ball goes a bit in the car. Venus slips and can no longer kick, again the tie. A very long game, with many returns from Alexandra. Breakthrough, Venus seems a little destabilized right now – she's also unleashed it. The service is in its place and it saves the American again. Another first service that cancels a Alexandra break-up ball. Dulgheru still requires an official resume after a comeback – it's a car. The court of Alexander is great! The public applauds, once again equality. Far from the ball, our player lacks a favorable situation. With the free field, next to the net, Venus sends to the limit, he is lucky – the ball is on the ground. It is becoming more and more obvious that we will have a decisive set on the field 1 match

0: 4 After a nice attack on the right, Alexandra hides a perfect run (15-0). But there is a double mistake, there is little pressure in the Alexandra rocket (15-15). Beside the tab, Dulgheru too opens the missile plane, and the fly sends the ball into the car (15-30). Two break points, Alexandra started to take the wrong hands with the right shot of the opponent – is 4-0 right now for Venus … We are getting closer to a decisive set

0 : 3 Venus send impartial with right-to-go (15-0). The American serves slightly as some players in the ATP circuit. However, this is not enough at all points, there are also errors on the offensive phase (15-15). Venus sends a lot of effect, to Teu, Dulgheru can not return the ball. 40-15 for Venus. Arrived at the net, Alexandra is forgiven by the opponent, the ball enters the car: 40-30. The game is nice, open at the moment … Dulgheru claims an official restart, but the ball has not taken the field. It's 3-0 for Williams … But there's only one difference

0: 2 Hard to play for Alexandra: 0-30. It also helps the net on Venus, it is 0-40. The referee in the seat gives a car, Venus does not comment (15-40). Generally, the American does not discuss arbitration. Superb flight of Alexandra, on the next position: 30-40. The ball no longer jumps, and Alexandra is trapped: the break appears, it's the first service game given by our player

The basic kick of Venus is the reverse, it's great to do with this shot: dictates the rhythm, direction, describes some angles at will

0: 1 The second series began with Venus at work. Another mistake with the American right (seems to be his weakest shot – is stronger on the backhand). Williams makes a double mistake (30-30). A spring service comes out, and the point comes back (40-30). Again Forehand: Another mistake with this shot – equality. The American continues to serve well when needed, a Venus balloon. The game does not end here, again the tie. The reverberation of Venus is incredible: sends the perfect ball at a sharp angle. Again the reverse, Venus wins his service and leads 1-0 in the second set

A lot of people on Hill (the famous hill where matches can be seen), Venus waits for Alexandra to come back from the locker room [19659009] makes the difference in this first set, Dulgheru kept his service very well, was safe, did not let the emotions invade

Alexandra took a break in the locker room

6: 4 From the extension, Dulgheru not a good shot, the ball goes a bit in the car (0-15). Venus is growing in the field, try not to stay too much in exchange. The intense duel, a few shots, Venus fails with forehandu, we have equality (15-15). It's playing at the limit, a lot of pressure in those moments. Williams has the first moments of frustration, he argues, is 30-15 for Dulgheru. Away from the ball, Venus misses another right, two sets of balls for Dulgheru … Unfortunately, the first is canceled, after Dulgheru missed a seemingly simple shot (40-30). Feel the pressure, hope that the hand does not shake Alexandra … The second chance is frustrated, Dulgheru wins the first set with 6-4, 43 minutes from the first point

A very important moment for Alexandra: will be used to win the first set

5: 4 Venus generates a lot of power with the right, but also with the backhand (30-0). He is also the first of the Wimbledon finalists in 2017. Alexandra tried to make a short moment that the ball did not catch the ball. Another white service for Venus. The American is getting close to a single distance from Dulgheru

5: 3 Venus resumes his game, begins to feel the ball well. The law of America is incredible (0-15). Venus directs the point on the median, but Alexandra hits a ball and crushes against the opponent. Williams sends, defensive Alexandra can not intervene (15-30). Dulgheru leads the point, sends two straight times with the right in the long line, we have equality (30-30). Venus escapes just off the field, although he chooses the exchange: 40-30. Hard, good game that's over here. It is 5-3 for Alexandra, the American sends out stronger and stronger 4: 3 Venus handsome at these times, hides the kicks well and sends at a sharp angle ( 30-0). Williams touches the corner of the court with a right-out-out: 40-0. Easy game for the American, was the only player on the field

4: 2 Venus is ruthless on a sweet service from Alexandra (0-15). But there is a forced US error (15-15). The carpenter serves well, on the outside, Venus does not find the ground (30-15). Alexandra is surprised by a pass from the opponent (40-30). He has a lot of strength in the arm of Venus, the ball hardly jumps after being sent by the American. After 28 minutes, Dulgheru leads with 4-2 … Hopefully he'll keep his percentage at work

3: 2 Alexandra looks great, he gets after a break from his opponent but he eventually loses the point. Venus also serves hard on the body, Alexandra can not do anything (30-0). The carpenter bends his legs well, strikes with effect and his point is back (30-15). Our player has moved well up here. There is an applause from the entire arena: 30-30. Another foul shot for Venus: Break Ball. The ball does not ring long after being touched by Alexandra, and the American (top) is hard to hit from that low position. Alexandra attack, but the ball goes a little in the car: the ball of Venus. Dulgheru is aggressive again in second serve and again equates the situation on the table. Counter-footing of the American, feels great moments Venus … Bounce Smash and Retreat – Venus wins point and play. Williams gets closer to 3-2.

3: 1 What bullshit, with both players in the net: Alexandra finds the long line and gets the appropriate applause (30-15). Venus has an incredible kick force, feels good on the grass: 30-30. Dulgheru serves well, and Venus can not come back: 3-1 ball. Venus enters the field, sends a reverse right, but it is a car. He is 3-1 for Dulgheru at the moment

2: 1 On a double serve, Alexandra attacks and wins the point (15-15). Venus takes over and Dulgheru passes, there are two chances for 3-0 for Alexandra (15-40). The first is canceled, Venus has served very well (30-40). With an interior inside, the American cancels a second break (40-40). On the road, Alexandra misses a right in the long line. Venus returns from 15 to 40 years and earns his service. Dulgheru now leads with 2-1 in the first set

2: 0 Venus tried to surprise by the shots, but the field seems a bit small for her: 30-0. At 40-0, Dulgheru made a double mistake (40-15). Another dubbed, the American approached 40-30. After an intense exchange, Venus finds only a backhand net in the long line and the table now looks like 2-0 for Alexandra

1: 0 The game started with Venus at work. The first perfect match for Alexandra: managed to break the 15th

The two players are in the heat

Comes to the main paint in qualifying (as in Roland Garros), Alexandra Dulgheru meets Venus Williams at Wimbledon two. Serial number nine, the American was finalist at the 2017 edition (defeated by Garbine Muguruza). The match is live on Eurosport and LiveText on

Alexandra Dulgheru (141 WTA) against Venus Williams (9 WTA) (0-0 direct matches)

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