Liviu Dragnea, on the law on pensions: "Straighten an injustice"


Photos of Inquam / George Calin

  Liviu Dragnea presents proposals for the new off-shore law at the Palace of Parliament
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Liviu Dragnea said that the amendments to the law on public pensions, promulgated by President Iohannis, on special working groups, are unfair and that the beneficiaries will be more than 100,000 Romanians.

"It will be easy to put in is a complicated question, it is actually a bill for the amendment and the completion of the Law 263/2010 on the unitary pension system , we had two interventions on this law in 2016, if I remember correctly in December, I did not make a mistake, I fixed an inequality for minors, and this summer before the end of the parliamentary session that we adopted, I proposed an amendment to a bill to amend the pension law, in order to eliminate certain injustices … laws (…) to recalculate the pension entitlements for those who worked in the special task forces In 2015, the level of the contribution period increased from 30, 32, 33 to 35 years. (…)

law, special groups – civil aviation, steel, underground, sea and river transport, drilling, oil and gas, those working in con heavy and very heavy – no longer divide the number of points to 35 years of work, it is divided into 25, which means that they will have a higher pension, "said Liviu Dragnea, Thursday evening, in a telephone interview on Romanian television, questioned on the impact of the law on amending and supplementing Law No. 263/2010 on the unified pension system, promulgated by President Klaus Iohannis

The leader of the PSD added, referring to the beneficiaries of the law, that they were "similar conditions on the legislation and others that have appeared, but on other legislation, and they have been divided in different years, "writes Agerpres.

"It is, in fact, to correct the inequity and recalculate the retirees will automatically benefit, the retiree no longer needs to go to the ticket counter, by l & # 39; the effect of this law, by default, the Pension House will recalculate the pension for everyone.Therefore, there is an increase in pensions for those who are part of special working groups.It was a political decision that we have taken (…), we agreed to make this addition in the positive direction before the adoption of the new pension law, which we began to present and we will present it next month, Dragnea says [19659008] Dragnea claims that party members "shake hands" to respond to anti-PSD messages

He said these changes will benefit "more than 100,000 Romanians."

"This is the decision to give Romanians the right to participate equitably in the benefits of the growth of ;economy. We have said it and we always say it: we do not accept, we do not agree with the theory of "gathering the permanent belt". That's economic growth, people have to wear it better, according to their work, "said Dragnea.

Referring to the new pension bill, the PSD leader said that August, "There are two major goals for this law, eliminating inequalities and redressing injustice and, implicitly, increasing pensions, accelerated growth and the second one." objective of the population to benefit from the provisions of this law as soon as possible. (…) Thus, the increase of the pension point and, implicitly, the increase of the pensions will follow the governmental program and, at the same time, the implementation of the new law on pensions, namely the recalculation of pensions for each retiree. This is not a law expected only by more than five million retirees, it should be a law expected by all who work, even young people, because they will all retire and it is important to know that in their country the state provides them with a decent pension. (…) And also in this law we introduce 100% the principle of contribution, which seems to us to be a fair, honest and just principle, "said Dragnea.

Dragnea also said that the Social Democrats & That the normative act be passed this autumn.

"We want to adopt this fall and hopefully, but I'm not sure that the others and the president do not attack the Constitutional Court, just to delay it. Please, I do not think that they will eventually arrive at the beginning of the parliamentary session where we come into force for the debate and the adoption of this law. (…) If we are alive and free, we adopt this autumn the new law on pensions, "said Dragnea.

President Klaus Iohannis signed Thursday the decree promulgating the law amending and supplementing the law No. The Unified Pension System

The Act refers to persons who have been employed in Group I and / or Group II jobs

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