"Liviu Dragnea stole money from poor children"


A message that alludes to why Liviu Dragnea was sentenced to three and a half years in prison with execution – the damage of the Teleorman Child Protection budget – promised over the last two days on social networks

Viralization was so massive that it has been indexed by Google. The first suggestion made by the search engine when writing "Dragnea" became "Dragnea copii"

It all started on Facebook, where thousands of posts on this topic were posted. Some examples:

  • "Boys of all couples, the answer to all criticism in this world is:" Yes, but I do not even cheat poor children like Dragnea. "
  • " Brazil has disappointed many people around the world. Do not even steal poor children … "
  • " From, my children, only Dragnea should not be. Who steals you. "
  • My sons wanted to go alone today to Mega to take each other in. There are decent people in the area, but I still could not help thinking," S & D He came to Dragnea, did he come to steal something from his children? "
  • " History: There used to be children. Dragnea stole their money.
  • "I watch the game and wonder how to steal children, my brother!"
  • "The black ambulance did not steal children, but Liviu Dragnea stole them."
  • "I'm watching the match with Mbappé.This is not a poor boy, but if he did, he would have stolen Dragnea. Dragnea stole from the poor children. "
  • " In case you do not understand what "Dragnea stole from poor children, "the virus of the time, I will explain.This person hired two members of the PSD party at Teleorman Child Protection.These were paid from the budget allocated to" poor children "As they spent for the holiday Yes, the crime called abuse on the job but this mustache has practically stolen from the budget allocated to bitter children.This is why it took three and a half years with the And now changes the laws to escape. "

In addition to the written posts, there are many memes on Facebook on this subject:

The Facebook campaign began after Wednesday, the day the PSD and amendments ADDE to the Penal Code were adopted by the PSD the protest on the Victory Square was a new song: "How can you joke, you stole children."

Some even remembered The clip of Alina Gorghiu, Senator of the PNL, in the electoral campaign of 2016. Practically, she reedits a clip of the campaign 2012 when a child refuses to open the door saying that she is home alone and that parents are teaching her not to open up to foreign people. In 2016, Alina Gorghiu knocks on the same door four years ago and tells the child that if she does not open the door, Liviu Dragnea will steal her sandwiches

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