London presented its relations with the EU after Brexit – International


The UK government on Thursday outlined the details of its plans for relations with the European Union after Brexit, which provides for a "free trade zone for products", but also contains provisions on the EU's trade. Immigration, reports AFP. Approved last Friday, the plan sparked the resignation of two ministers and fueled the Voivode revolts in the conservative majority

When the new minister for Brexit, Dominic Raab spoke in the House of Commons to introduce the document, he was interrupted by protests who complained that they had not received copies of the document, forcing the Speaker of the House to interrupt the meeting for a few minutes

Raab called the government plan of "innovator".

Through this white paper, London wants to establish a new "free trade area for goods" designed to maintain trade

The plan will, through a "simplified customs arrangement", "to avoid a difficult border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland", a red line coming from both Brussels and

The service sector will be the object of a new agreement that will give the UK "the freedom to establish its own path in the most important areas of its economy".

The government recognizes that for such services to be accepted it would mean "more barriers" than existing ones and would deprive financial institutions of their "European passport" that allows them to operate freely across the continent.

London denounces a "blow" for the British financial center.

Regarding the movement of people, London wants to develop a "new framework that respects British border controls", allowing citizens to travel "to their respective countries."

The United Kingdom will remain a member of the Europol and Eurojust agencies and will develop "coordination" agreements on foreign and defense policy issues. Current developments in "operational capabilities" on both sides of the Channel will also be maintained

In the margin Theresa May assured that her proposals "respond to the votes of the British" who voted for Brexite in the 2016 referendum. 19659002] EU Chief Negotiator Michel Barnier reacted on Twitter to London's proposals, announcing that it was "unimpressed". anxious to negotiate with the UK next week ";

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