London proposes a "free trade zone" with the EU for the post-Brexit – International


British Prime Minister Theresa May announced Friday that her EU-divided government has managed to reach a "common position" for the creation of a "free trade zone" between the United Kingdom and the EU. -Brexit, AFP reports.

"Our proposal would create a free trade zone between the United Kingdom and the EU with a set of common rules for industrial products and agricultural products," said a conservative prime minister at the time. a meeting of his cabinet of auditors, the summer residence of British prime ministers, 70 kilometers northwest of London, according to Agerpres.

The leader of the conservative parliamentary group told conservative Brexit supporters that they would not have to vote on an agreement Brexit is happy. Julian Smith made this statement at a meeting with 40 Brexit supporters who warned him that the party had no future if he renegotiated Brexit's key commitments, according to The Times. , quoted by Rador.
Companies 'patience The British "are exhausted" in the face of the government's lack of clarity less than nine months before Brexit, warned an important employers' organization a few days before a crucial ministerial meeting, according to La Libre, quoted by Rador. ] The British Chambers of Commerce (BCA), which brings together 52 UK regional chambers of commerce, have called for more clarity on trade relations with the EU after the Brexit scheduled for the end of March 2019 and cessation political conflicts that hinder the London negotiations with Brussels.

"For two years, companies have been patient, wants the government to find the best possible solution for the British economy," said Adam Marshall, director general of the BCC, in a press release

"Now that the UK leaves the EU, business patience"

The BCC pointed out that the prolonged uncertainty over trade relations on both sides of the canal was a hindrance to business. Business investment The latest figures from the National Statistics Office released last week point to a 0.4% decline in business investment in the United Kingdom in the first quarter.

L & # The organization has also published a list of 24 major questions they are putting British companies on the practical consequences of Brexitu and are waiting for a response from the government.

According to the BCC, only two of these questions were f – The employment of Europeans in the UK after Brexit and industry standards have been met. But companies complain about the lack of concrete response to all other issues, including airfreight, the presence or the absence of additional visas for business trips in Europe or the United States. potential introduction of tariffs for trade between the United Kingdom and the EU. , council and advertising also expressed concern in an open letter to Prime Minister Theresa May. Recalling that this sector has 4.6 million employees, contributes 188 billion pounds to the country's economy and is a major services exporter across the UK, these professionals call on the government to consider their contribution to the EU negotiations.

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