Lost house lost by Iohannis. How much money the president would give to the state


The scandal related to the Sibiu House, which President Klaus Iohannis lost, and the money owed to the state, are magnified. Now, there is also a dismissal, that of the president of ANAF. The finance minister has demanded that housing be transferred urgently to the state's heritage. But the head of the Fiscal says that he can not do that and blame the Cadastre

The ultimatum given by Eugen Teodorovici to Ionuţ Mişa has expired. If he is dissatisfied with the manner in which the President of Taxation acted in the whole scandal related to Klaus Iohannis's house, lost in court, the Minister of Finance can ask the Prime Minister to change his position [19659003] As full owners, we can do the following, inform these people, how much they pay, if they interest, "said the Minister of Finance Constanta

. On the other hand, Ionut Misha says that he can not work without the green light of the ministry. "ANAF is an executing agency, it can only execute on the basis of a title.If ANAF receives a written address and a mandate from the Ministry of Finance to execute, (… "I assure you 100% that all the legal requirements will be met," said Ionut Mişa at Antena 3.

Eugen Teodorovici has insisted in recent weeks that President Iohannis could receive a notice announcing that he was to give the state over 1.2 million lei, on the rent that he would have

"The court said, when it was decided that the documents used were false, it means that it returns to the previous form, that is the one in which a decree was given before the 90s, by which the house was the state. C & # 39; is the previous version, theoretically, it means that the state must be the owner, "says Eugen Teodorovici.

However, the data of the National Agency of Cadastre are different. In a reply to Digi 24, on July 13, Cadastru said:

"Following the checks carried out, it resulted that the National Agency of Tax Administration does not appear as a real estate owner. (…) According to the information provided by the office of the cadastre and the real estate advertising of Sibiu, it seems that the general register of registration did not involve any demand for this building on demand of ANAF. "

Klaus Iohannis and his wife, Carmen, had the same thing rented for 14 years at a bank, from which he would have received between $ 20,000 and $ 60,000 a year, said Rise Project.

Klaus Iohannis and his wife, Carmen Iohannis, lost their home at 29 Nicolae Balcescu Street in Sibiu where a bank was based in November 2015 following a decision by the Brasov Court of Appeal after a process that lasted more than 16 years. July 2001, PSD President Liviu Dragnea sent to the President of ANAF and the Minister of Finance the question of whether they "will recover hundreds of thousands of euros from President Iohannis."

Teodorovici said that the winner ANAF submitted an application to the National Administration of Cadastre requesting the registration of the building.

"Today, everything has been clarified Finally, ANAF has sent a request to the National Administration of the Land Registry requesting the registration of the Klaus Iohannis building in Sibiu. More than two years ago that state institutions had to apply the law.It is a part, fortunately, such a request was made, "said Teodorovici,

The Minister of Finance said that after the registration of the building in the land register, it will be notified by the president to pay more than 1.2 million lei He said that since the transfer of the property to be transferred to State property, President Iohannis could ask the Ministry of Finance to index an account to pay the money. "This would be a good example for everyone," said the Minister of Finance.

Asked that he was going down the road to file Johannes accounts and seize property, Teodorovici responded. "Yes, if that's what the law provides, it certainly gives."

Teodorovici also said that it was also to see why the law has not been applied since the final decision remained in 2015, and the building did not [19659904] See also :

Why did the Iohannis family lose their home in Sibiu



Eugen Teodorovici

klaus iohannis

House Sibiu

iona misa anaf

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