Ludovic Orban, about Liviu Dragnea: He is completely derailed


NLP President Ludovic Orban claims that PSD President Liviu Dragnea is "completely derailed" and that, with the intention of suspending President Klaus Iohannis, he seeks to evade a court decision

Liviu Dragnea became a real and imminent threat to Romanian democracy, to the interests of Romania as a member of the EU and NATO, and three weeks ago he been warned of the obsession the ill-intentioned person of this individual to carry out the suspension of the President of Romania, Klaus Iohannis. The sole purpose of Liviu Dragnea is a strictly personal one, to escape a decision of the court and the risk of going to prison

. he is ready to roll back the whole of Romania, being considered as a "master of the citizens" and not as his representative. use the post of Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies to escape the rigors of the law, forgive the mandate received during the elections, because the PSD did not ask, and therefore did not receive, the l & # 39; 39, offers Romanians what they do today. "

He stresses that" in a democracy, the vote by which citizens invest with confidence does not give you the right to do anything either, and when a parliamentary majority considers this, one can speak only of a "dictatorship of the majority"

"Today, after the confiscation of the Parliament and the Government by Liviu Dragnea and his clique the presidential institution remained the only fundamental institution, legitimate by the vote of the citizens, respectful of democratic and European values.This is due to the way in which President Klaus Iohannis understood to fulfill the functions of the position in which he was elected by the Romans, in accordance with the commitments of our country as a member of the European Union and NATO. Most institutions of the Romanian state already control Liviu Dragnea and the PSD, a serious fact that establishes the true "parallel state" with the legitimate interests of the Romans, "adds Orban.

The liberal argues that Liviu Dragnea is "transfigured, a person who can no longer control his nerves, raging on anyone who dares to question the parallel reality that he wants to instil in the citizens."

"It's the tirade threats and intimidation that this person uses, whose reason has escaped all control!" Says Ludovic Orban

He concludes that the National Liberal Party will be firmly with President Klaus Iohannis

"NLP will use all"

Also, the President of the PNL also sends a warning to PSD-ALDE parliamentarians

"I warn PSD legislators and ALDE once again do not get into the irresponsible and irrational game from Liviu Dragnea.If they have forgotten the citizens they represent, they should even consider that they will be back in front of the voters, that they will not be able to deceive, "concludes Orban. [19659003] The suspension of the president must be the Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Liviu Dragnea, announced Monday that this will be decided Monday at a meeting of the ruling coalition.

"I spoke with Mr. Tariceanu now and I've said from my point of view, the suspension of the president should be a serious option because if we just complain, not to respect the Constitution today, to not respect the Constitution tomorrow, to send another presidential advisor to threaten another CRR judge, sent presidential advisers threatening and judging at the ICCJ. (…) And if we get up and see, we do not exercise an important attribute of this forum, which is the supreme forum in Romania, "said Dragnea in Parliament AGERPRES / (AS – author: Florentina Peia , publisher: Catalin Alexandru, publisher online: Ada Vilceanu)

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