LUXURY CASE in Dolj: A woman killed her baby for 3 years in his sleep because he seemed to be the devil


A 33-year-old woman from Dolj Department, a social worker, was detained after killing her child for 3 years in his sleep, because he seemed to be the devil.

  Image of article THE LUXURY CASE in Dolj: A woman killed her child for 3 years in his sleep because it seems to be the devil

LUXE in Dolj: A woman killed his child for 3 years in his sleep because he seemed to be the devil

Magdalena Badescu, President of the Prosecutor's Office attached to the Dolj Tribunal, told MEDIAFAX that a 33-year-old woman had been arrested after killing his three men. in his sleep. He apparently had a depression. We will do a psychiatric forensic examination to determine if he has had a discernment. He seemed to be the devil. He is restrained. According to her, the act was committed on the night of July 22 to 23, while the woman was with her family at her parents' home in Unirea, said Magdalena Badescu. Dolj

The 33-year-old woman is a social worker, and according to local sources she would be the wife of a gendarme

The Dolj Tribunal will analyze on Tuesday the prosecutors' proposal on the measure of preventive arrest. enjoy the article, follow MEDIAFAX.RO on FACEBOOK "

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