MacBook Pro 2018: the big problem everyone should know


<img class = "td-post-image-full-and-grid aligncenter wp-image-351687" title = "MacBook Pro 2018 Problem MARE Clientii Stie" src = " wp-content / uploads / 2018/07 / MacBook-Pro-2018-Problema-MARE-Clientii-Stie.jpg "alt =" MacBook Pro 2018 MacBook Pro 2018 was released in July by Apple and has has been disassembled until now in order to show what is hiding the new model inside your laptop.What is not discovered inside is a port. Data mining if the MacBook Pro 2018 is broken, a similar one being implemented in previous models.

The MacBook Pro 2018 comes with a SSD soldered to the motherboard and can not be changed by the user , and this could be a very big problem.The same thing happened to previous models, just that in their case the logic board had a port that allowed the extraction of e data if the laptop was broken but that the MacBook Pro 2018 did not have it.

MacBook Pro 2018: the biggest problem that all customers need to know

The 2018 MacBook Pro can not extract the data in the same way as previous models, though it was bad, the employees # 39; Apple have confirmed. In addition, they said that it is impossible at the moment to recover data from a MacBook Pro 2018 if the laptop is broken and can no longer be started.

"Several sources claim that the data can not be recovered if the logic board failed on a MacBook Pro 2018. The data recovery port was probably removed because the MacBook Pro 2018 models use the T2 chip Customized Apple, which provides hardware encryption for SSD storage MacRumors recommends that technicians encourage customers to perform regular backups on Time Machine. "

Apple should recommend users to frequently perform data updates using Time Machine, and if problems occur with the MacBook Pro 2018, you should contact third-party data recovery companies. I find it hard to believe that Apple can not extract data from a corrupted MacBook Pro 2018, but every day it's possible

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