Marian Drăgulescu went to the NMS and did a …


Marian Drăgulescu, the first reaction after being at NMS: "I was interested, and no NMS doctor who was part of the committee that analyzed my case is not a specialist in cardiology." general sports medicine. "

Marian Drăgulescu's cardiologist explains the problem of the champion. The official reaction of the doctor

In these circumstances, the athlete is determined to go further, to higher levels than the Romanian Gymnastics Federation, all the more so as he received fire Green of a private clinic specializing in cardiology

EXCLUSIV Marian Drăgulescu, PROTESTER before MTS. POLICE came! The first statements of the CAMPION

Marian Drăgulescu will ask the members of the NMS of the medical committee who analyzed her case to see if she was a medical specialist, in this case cardiologists. At the same time, the gymnast will ask the doctors of the article stating that it is not allowed to enter the gym earlier than three months, but also European legislation in such cases, with articles of law.

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