Marian Godine, a difficult answer for a member on the subject …


"I would have shared, but I realized that I had the bad habit of having some of them delete their messages after distributing them instead of being grateful for helping them to read things as long as they could more people.

From the MP position I only agree with the first sentence. "I would like to understand, but I can not. "There is no way to do this.First, it is the result of the flow and the offering.

Second, it can not understand because he has not done dozens or hundreds of on-site investigations of fatal accidents caused by excessive speed, never told the family of someone else. 39: one on the death of her husband, father, wife, mother, child, etc.

Read: The bill which stipulates that radar police cars must be pre-annexed, adopted by the Chambr he deputies

In his post, he uses the word "spagge" many times, which makes me think that it is a familiar word. It seems to me quite offensive that a deputy may be allowed to make such statements and that this post does not make it different from those who posted the embarrassing video in which the police were described as "incompetent ". "

Comparisons that he made with Italy, the country that he ruled for about 500 km and saw some pre-alarming radar signs, have no place in them , as long as Romania takes the lead in ranking the countries with dead on the roads, and the road infrastructure also can not be compared.And I was in an African country and I did not saw no indicators warning you to use anti-slip chains.Likely because there is not too much snow here, do you understand the deputy minister, or can not you understand? country must have laws in line with the type of violation.This is the same with the non-discriminatory abuse of service in Germany, which has been compared, totally uninspired, with Romania, the country where a mayor may buy pens with a 500-euro coin from a company I own,

The Highway Code, which you must teach to get the permit from drive, and that I hope the member can understand, very clearly specifies the limits of speed. Is not it prevention? Indicators that tell you the maximum speed limit do not prevent you from being punished with a fine?
I say that in the cart you will be notified that the next station will go up to the controllers, otherwise you will not be sanctioned because you did not know that you would be controlled then you did not make your note [19459006DearMadamyouwillberesponsibleformanydeathsinthestreetsofRomania

And do not forget karma!
PS. for those who charge me with subjectivity, I can say that I do not even work on the road, and even if I worked, between writing 20 minutes in a few hours with the radar and staying in the shade for nothing (as they will do it is more pleasant to sit quietly, and if the law of the deputy had been in force, more certainly I would have had permission and I should not have stayed on the right, but then … I did not see him and, for me and the others, he saw me.The policeman did not ask me, he did not m 'me. did not give that, he did not speak arrogantly or I did not like it, I paid 652.5 lei on the spot, I had the proof, the process and the receipt, we salute and leave, much more quietly and more carefully at the entrance of the localities, if without homes. "

Message of MP Florin Roman:

" I would like to understand, but I can not why. road policemen oppose the pre-deployment of radar as a means of prevention? Just because it disappears? Just because I can not stand the panda anymore? Just because they can not be arrogant anymore? Yesterday, we traveled about 500 km in Italy. On all preloaded radars, drivers slow down and avoid accidents and fines. Why do 2000 people die today on the roads of gentlemen? Is it good? Hunting and death? Will it never push the large number of dead on the roads, the fact that instead of warning, you lose sight of and people die in accidents? Nobody will press anyone else? "

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