Mariana's fame in Obor, diplomatically destroyed with Kovesi


Laura Codruţa Kovesi, chief DNA prosecutor, received the title of Commander of the Order of the Polar Stars by the King of Sweden in November 2016. For the sustained struggle against the corruption in Romania The prize was awarded by the Swedish Ambassador to Bucharest, Anneli Lindahl Kenny. During the ceremony was also designed a collage of messages from the Swedish Embassy in Bucharest, in which ordinary citizens, psychologists, artists, journalists and diplomats send messages of support. Lauren Codruta Kovesi This video does not exist anymore on the Facebook page of the Embassy

They deleted a video, but kept some others

Yesterday, after that Information has entered the public space, the Swedish Embassy has posted an explanation on Facebook. claims to delete the video as early as 2017, since it was released only temporarily. The explanation is not supported because there are more videos on the Embassy website in 2016 and 2017.

Probably the money was donated between the video saying "when women work, the economy grows up" and the one with "Laudatio" for Kovesi and .. Bad luck for the head then of the DNA. And Mariana had a bigger misfortune in Obor Mariana, a saleswoman in Obor Square, became a star overnight after appearing in this video. They have increased their sales, the world treats them with respect. Who else was like Mariana, to be elected "of the people" who supported the worst woman in the country?

Mariana offered her "voice" to a stranger

As with the choice of the video we needed, we did not understand why, erased in 2017, and the creators of the video worked [1]. Instead of looking for a man who loved Kovesi sincerely and without interest, hence his message that went straight to the hearts of fans, they took a wife of Obor who did not even know who was Kovesi.

Mariana, then for 48 years, had come from Vrancea with grapes for sale. Because no seller on the market wanted to become an artist, the hilarious Moldovan rushed quickly into the market spokesman. "Madam, for what you have done, you are doing very well.Go ahead, we, from Market to Obor, you support!" It was the message that the woman had told him in front of the room. After the video, Mariana became famous.

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