Marine traffic diverted through the park. Limit of 80 km / h A2 due to irregularities


For television

  Sun Highway
<! – Sun Highway ->

Parking highway passing by the sea. It is not a joke, arrived Tuesday night in Bucharest which means Sun road was blocked after four tiles rose asphalt.

Therefore, for 4:00, drivers were sent by parking, as the employees occurred the National Highway Administration Company infrastructure. morning workers diverted again traffic to other works.

Movement of the Sun Road was closed from 18:30 to 23:00 the direction of Constanta in Bucharest after four slabs were high forming a real trampoline.

How far is parking,

Motorists were informed there until workers repaired dangerous inequalities. morning, employees of the National Society for the Administration of Road Infrastructure returned to complete the work but they worked on each band separately.

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tons of rapes scattered on the road because of a careless driver. The maneuver does

Due to the irregularities that occur most often, between Bucharest and Fundulea traveled at 80 km / h, and drivers who do not comply are fined. [19659005] The workers left after solving the problem, unfortunately, only local, because the expansion may occur elsewhere. That's A2 has been transformed from a road into a county road, because here it flows at a speed restriction of 80 km per hour.

Paragraph Şerbănecu spokesperson CNAIR "Although there is restriction of 80 per hour, 140 circulate frequently, even cases were 200 per hour. as far as our workers are concerned, their facilities have regulations that do not use them, responsibility each.

Unfortunately, the auction tarring of this part has not been published. In the worst case, the work will start next year and will be ready in three years, according to the CNAIR spokesperson.

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  Sun Highway
<! – Sun Highway ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

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