Meghan Markle's father, an emotional message to his daughter: "I could die soon .."


However, some British tabloids "attacked" the Duchess of Sussex's father after appearing in the online environment with pictures of him eating fast food a few days after he left the scene. ;hospital. As it is not only unhealthy but also forbidden for the condition that such a food has on the heart, some speculation in the international press soon emerged, reporters wondering what is the health of Thomas Senior. [19659002] Meghan seems to have ignored this arsonist, but soon, a new scandal has protagonist his father. He was accused of falsifying photos of "paparazzi", in which he could be seen in a caffe on the internet while he was looking for information about his daughter and her husband, Prince Harry. It was later revealed that these images were actually made, with the agreement of Thomas Markle, who would have received a substantial sum of money as a result of this agreement, by making pictures in the picture. online environment

. Thomas Markle Senior also made a mistake when he was invited at the beginning of these months to Good Morning Britain. Although his daughter repeatedly asked him not to give interviews or statements, he not only participated in the show, but also revealed Prince Harry's views on Brexit and Donald Trump, thus violating the protocol. royal

. apparently affected the relationship between Meghan Markle and his father, the latter stating that while he is trying to contact his daughter, no one answers his calls or messages. The man also recently stated in an interview with The Sun that from the point of view of the royal family, too much pressure on Meghan, who is "scared" and, because of this, always shows a forced smile to events

Being disturbed by these unpleasant circumstances, Thomas Markle wanted to sensitize his daughter by a statement, hoping that Meghan would forgive him and talk to him again. "I had a heart attack, do not really care about anyone ?! I could die soon, does that really mean it's the last words we said to ourselves?", He said. told reporters Sunday at Sun. "If I had a message for her, it's that I'm sorry for everything that went wrong between us.I would like to forget the misunderstandings and meet us.I miss you a lot", said Thomas Markle to his daughter.

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