MEP Andreea Cosma announces that on Monday she will file a complaint to the prosecutor's office against DNA attorney Lucian Onea


MP Andreea Cosma announced Sunday night that he would file a complaint to Attorney General Lucian Onea on Monday for abuse of power after the public appeared in public space with her and Vlad Cosma, the two brothers who defend to give statements in the office of the DNA of Onea.

the course of tomorrow (Monday-nr) to the Prosecutor's Office at the High Court of Cassation and Justice a complaint against Prosecutor Onea Lucian ", told Andreea Cosma Sunday night at Antena 3.

MP accuses former Attorney General of Ploiesti's DNA for jeopardizing the interests of justice , abuse of power and disclosure of secret information after Curentul published two videos in which Andreea Cosma and Vlad Cosma appear before prosecutor Lucian Onea in his DNA office, a parliamentarian suggesting that the documents were illegally donated by Onea

The images are not dated, but Vlad Cosma said Sunday evening that they would be from September last year

Prosecutors from the Prosecutor General's Office continued the former chief of Ploieşti's DNA, Lucian Onea, in the case, he is accused of misleading judicial organs, unfair repression and abusive search. One is accused of forcing Vlad Cosma to forge a reference to another name. Lucian Onea has been placed under judicial supervision for a period of 60 days. He is not allowed to communicate with the former prosecutor Mircea Negulescu and is not allowed to practice the profession of prosecutor.

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See also: LOTO 6 DIN 49, LOTO 5 DIN 40, JOKER AND NOROC: Numbers Exposed Sunday 29 July

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