METEO surprise announcement. How will the weekend be


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Weekend weather

Weather very changeable over the weekend, announced meteorologists. Romania is divided in two from a clamtological point of view.

The weekend time is extremely unstable. In the south of the country, the weather is particularly hot, Realitatea TV announces

The time of the weekend Today in the mountainous, sub-montane regions as well as in the north, east and central regions the weather will be generally unstable – In the evening and evening there will be high clouds and intervals in which showers, electric shocks and short wind winds will show

Weekend weather In the rest of the territory such manifestations will be limited. The rains will also have torrential and isolated hail. Maximum temperatures will range between 22 and 32 degrees, with the highest values ​​in the south, where thermal discomfort will be increased, and the temperature-humidity index on restricted areas will be around critical threshold of 80 units.

In Bucharest, the weather will be particularly hot and the thermal discomfort will be high, especially in the afternoon, when the humidity-temperature thermal comfort index will reach the critical threshold of 80 units. Lunch will increase the likelihood of showers, electric shock and wind intensification in the short term. The maximum temperature will be 30 … 31 degrees

The weather in the mountains and the sea L the weather will generally be unstable and especially in the afternoon and evening will be showers, dumps electric and intensification of weak winds that can take the wind. The rains will also have torrential and isolated hail. At sea there will be drifting winds, electric shocks and short wind intensifications. The maximum temperatures will be 28 … 29 degrees. The temperature of the seawater will be between 23 and 25 degrees

Weekend Weather The weather will generally be unstable on Sunday and the thermal regime will be characterized by values ​​around the normal for that date. There will be showers, electric shocks, and short wind intensities that can take the wind, the hill, the mountain, the north, the east, the center and the isolated regions of the rest of the territory. The rains will also have a torrential character and will be hail conditions. The maximum temperatures will be between 21 and 31 degrees

Weekend In the capital, the weather will remain particularly hot. In the morning, 15-17 degrees and maximum, 30 … 31 degrees. Rain in the evening.

Времето в края на седмицата. In the northern, eastern and central regions, as well as in mountainous and sub-montane regions, temporary clouds will be highlighted and local solar radiation, electric shocks and short term will be reported

can record significant amounts of water and maintain hail conditions. In the rest of the country, the sky will be unstable and such phenomena will be reported in restricted areas and at lower rates. Maximum temperatures will be between 22 and 32 degrees

Weekend In Bucharest, 15-17 in the morning and about 30 degrees at noon. The sky will vary and the wind will blow badly and moderately

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