Microsoft Surface Phone has not been canceled, just redesigned and it would come in 2019


Earlier this month, we wrote that Microsoft Surface Phone would have been canceled with the Andromeda project. Guilt belongs to the software and not to the hardware, it seems. Well, it seems that things are not so negative and sources close to Microsoft say that there is still hope.

A new online report indicates that Microsoft worked on 3 Surface projects in the last one. Weather: Balance (Surface Area), Carmel (Surface Pro 6) and Andromeda . The first was launched this week as the most affordable Surface Tablet, priced at $ 400, while the Surface Pro 6 is expected in the fall. Andromeda should be long-awaited Surface Phone The hinge foldable and revolutionary, but with two screens

Andromeda should have come at the end of this year, but it would have been suddenly spent in eve at the beginning of the month. David Breyer's enthusiastic interpretations such as those in this article were then corrected. The only good news we have is that the project is still alive. Microsoft would rethink both the hardware and software to make the product more attractive

The problem was that it looked too much like this Mini Surface canceled in 2014, corrected before the start of production. The new deadline for the project is 2019, according to Microsoft insiders. Nine is still not clear what kind of CPU was chosen here, either a powerful Snapdragon or an Intel. The big problem with Microsoft has always been the bureaucracy, a new product facing many decision-makers and decision makers who have to approve it and go through internal reviews

. Steve Ballmer could ruin the whole domino. The big question is what brings different and more Andromeda OS

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