Mihai Voropchievici Horoscope Week 30 July – 5 August 2018


Mihai Voropchievici Horoscope Week 30 July – 5 August 2018. . Numerologist Mihai Voropchievici made his weekly predictions of Antena 3 in the Hidden Truths show on July 28th.

A week is announced with changes for all signs of the zodiac.

Mihai Voropchievici Weekly Horoscope July 30 – August 5, 2018 for each sign

BERBEC: This is about the war! The advice is to mobilize their forces, provided they remain calm. he remains calm, everything is solved

TAUR: Super winners! from all points of view

GEMENI: Something happens as a novelty in their life, they will blow! One jump

RAC: Change tactics! Apply another method! Becoming More Stuffed

LEU: An Age of Intense Communication, You'll Need to Make Small Breaks

FECIOARANCE: A Zodiac Protected by Deity. They have total protection

BALANCE: A week to discover very important truths, beneficial or less beneficial

SCORPION: A week when the soil flows under their feet. Take the method of small steps

SAGITTER: Good news, money, surprise gifts

CAPRICORN: Love something new, passionate

VICE: This is a new receptionist. There is a very important change soon

FISH: I start a new life. All the invitations of the universe on them

Read: Weekly Horoscope July 30 – August 5, 2018. Come a week complex

Read: Mihai Voropchievici: What is your phone number

"Les hidden truths "of Antena 3.

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