Mini-accident in the brain. WHAT YOU SHOULD pay attention


  Mini-brain crash. WHAT TO KNOW

The transient ischemic attack is a mini-vascular stroke that occurs when blood flow is temporarily lowered or blocked by a blood clot .

A transient ischemic event is a sign that may indicate the occurrence of an established stroke.

The mini-accident in the brain produces the same symptoms as those of an established stroke, but the difference is that blood flow is restored within a few days, and the symptoms disappear completely.

Although the manifestations of the transient ischemic event are temporary and completely disappear, the patient necessarily requires medical consultation to determine the appropriate diagnosis and treatment to prevent a major stroke.

Signs of alarm

Although many patients do not know that they have had a transient ischemic attack until a medical consultation, usually for another reason, there are symptoms of the disease that can catch your attention :

– muscular weakness or inability to move an area of ​​the body (hand, foot, face) or any affected part of the body;

– numbness, tingling, muscle contraction or sensation of half body weight;

– Visual disturbances manifested by: blurred vision, double vision, color vision (perception of non-existent colors) or complete loss of vision;

– Difficulty speaking, understanding or finding words;

– vertigo that can be so severe that the patient can not stand, asthenia, weakness, unstable walking;

– Sudden drop due to loss of muscle strength in the legs.

High attention after transient ischemic attack

Over the next five years, after a mini-accident in the brain, great care must be taken to prevent risk factors as there is still a high risk of having a major stroke or myocardial infarction.

Prevention consists of lifestyle changes such as the practice of physical activity (20-30 minutes of walking or cycling), the adoption of a balanced diet , weight control, diabetes management, arterial hypertension, cholesterol, smoking cessation.


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