Ministers have an obligation to go to …


PSD leader Liviu Dragnea said on Sunday night that ministers had an obligation to present the measures taken in their fields, saying that he and Prime Minister Viorica Dăncilă were "grieving" because the Government members take the time to communicate, at least once a week, what has been done. The leader of the PSD said that there had been no discussions with the prime minister and the prime minister about a possible reshuffle, but that there would be a discussion about "evaluation of the act of governance".

"Tomorrow, the Prime Minister will present a kind of six-month balance sheet of government (…) It will not present everything, but it will present the best measures and effects, and in the next period, each minister in his field will present these things. because there is some sorrow on my part and the prime minister, the ministers must take their time every day as they were once a week to present what 's going on. passed in this area on the confidence of citizens in December 2016, "said Dragnea in Romania TV

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He claimed that there is no government minister who has nothing to communicate. "There is no area where a measure of the governance agenda has not been implemented: people need to know when you are wrong and when you are doing something right," he said. Dragnea Liviu Dragnea. Alde and the prime minister about a possible reshuffle, but there will be a discussion about the evaluation of the very act of the government

"I have not nothing to tell you about the reshuffle, I do not know if there will be a discussion, I'm sure I'm more satisfied with less than others (ministers no), "added the PSD chairman .

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