Mirabela Dauer went through terrible times! "God warned me and I did not go on vacation"


Mirabela Dauer saw death with her eyes but managed to overcome this problem. The artist has spoken openly about the difficult period that has passed. The venerable singer was operated on the kidneys and admitted that she was lucky. A few months ago, Mirabela Dauer was operated on the kidneys. Among the tears, the artist confessed that she was happy because God helped her to successfully pass this test

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Mirabela Dauer went through difficult times

"The recovery is heavier," I say, "take care of yourself. his scans twice a year, he hit me, hit me and did not kill me, I was very strong and God was with me, now I could not be Here on the set I did not want to go on vacation, God had warned me and I was not going on vacation, I was going to do some research, now I'm enjoying everything, life is so beautiful, and it's a shame to lose it, our stupidity.I do not have the time " Mirabela Dauer said in a TV show

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