MOLDPRES / – Tudor Ulianovschi: Moldova needs dynamic, pragmatic and results-oriented diplomacy


Chisinau, July 9 / MOLDPRES /. The Republic of Moldova needs a dynamic, pragmatic and results-oriented diplomacy, which has the duty and the vocation to improve the image of the country, to present the internal realities from the point of view of the rule of law, legislation and the national interest. The statement was made today by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration, Tudor Ulianovschi, at the annual meeting of Moldovan Diplomacy hosted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. European integration from 9 to 11 July

. stressed that embassies must work to deploy the Republic of Moldova in the image of the former Soviet state, in other words with a transitional identity that persists, and assert itself as a state belonging to Western civilization, a part of the European family. "The visibility of the Republic of Moldova as an associate country of the EU, the affiliation of our country to European aspirations, with the will to promote reforms and consolidate the rule of law is Of paramount importance, diplomacy must maintain the interest for the Republic of Moldova, work to irreversibly recognize its European vocation, regardless of regional developments or the geopolitical claims of the regional powers, "said the chief of Moldovan diplomacy.

In this context, Minister Ulianovschi foreign policy focus on European integration, bilateral, regional and international dialogue, national security, the integration of countries, the training of national diplomatic personnel, including the creation of a National Diplomatic Institute, etc.

On the issue of European integration, Minister Tudor Ulianovschi mentioned that it remains a goal of maximum speed in the short, medium and long term, constituting a thread of domestic and foreign policy Moldovan. "It goes without saying that progress on the road to European integration can not cope with a lack of trust and it is a situation that needs to be changed." And this change can not be made solely to Brussels: A prodigious activity must be developed in the capitals of the Member States by a punctual, permanent and coordinated contact with the exhibitors and the factors of influence in the countries of accreditation of the European area, said Minister Ulianovschi. the question of economic diplomacy, stressing that each diplomatic mission should set clear objectives in terms of promoting trade, attracting investment and developing a concrete economic and trade program with objectives in the short, medium and long term. "The economic and commercial objectives promoted by the missions must have a purpose and the activity in this area must not be turned into a mechanical presumption designed to respond to a redundant bureaucratic activity," said Ulianovschi.

Speaking of the reinstatement of the country, the Foreign Minister stated that in the dialogue with the decision-makers of the countries of accreditation as well as with the accredited diplomatic corps in these countries, the conviction must be reinforced that the settlement of the Transnistrian problem will be achieved exclusively through peaceful political means through negotiations and the Moldovan State reintegration must be viable and functional, having as a strategic option for its foreign policy the principle of neutrality and the aim of European integration enshrined in the Constitution

At the meeting, the Minister of Foreign Affairs referred in particular to the activity of each as well as the priorities of the Republic of Moldova in the bilateral dialogue with each state. Regarding relations with our neighbors, Romania and Ukraine, the Moldovan Foreign Minister stressed that they are a top priority for the achievement of the national strategic objectives at the external level. "Romania is naturally the most reliable ally of the Republic of Moldova, sincerely interested in our progress on the path of European integration, modernization and stability of our country, and the most important of all. Ukraine, to which we associate Tudor Ulianovschi said:

According to Ulianovschi, the strategic dialogue between Moldova and the United States must continue to materialize on the right, the main areas of cooperation being the strengthening of bilateral political dialogue, the commercial and economic exploitation of the assistance provided by the United States of America and the implementation of democratic and structural reforms.

Relations with the Russian Federation should, according to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, resume their normal course, but the natural course of resp respects the principles of international law, the Charter of the United Nations and accept our strategic choices as an actor on the international scene. "In relations with the Russian Federation, there is no other alternative than constant dialogue and it must be coordinated, based on the national interest to respect national sovereignty and integrity. 39, European integration, "said Tudor Ulianovschi

. The Republic of Moldova must clearly define its objectives by country. The UN, the OSCE, UNESCO, OIF, the multilateral regional cooperation formations, GUAM, should become permanent platforms with high visibility to reposition the Republic of Moldova in the global and regional value system, "said Minister Tudor Ulianovschi

The annual meeting of Moldovan diplomacy, held after a six-year break, aims to examine issues related to the work of diplomatic missions and to increase their efficiency, to implement foreign policy and to set new tasks and priorities in the short term environment

In order to streamline the work of the embassies, to formulate concrete tasks for diplomatic institutions in order to achieve the objectives set by foreign policy authorities, agenda includes meetings of Heads of Diplomatic Missions with Prime Minister Pavel Filip (July 9), the Speaker of Parliament Adrian Candu (July 10), other heads of state institutions

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