More than 200 people were killed in Syria during an attack by the Islamic State


Jihadists stormed several villages and used other suicide bombers in Sweida, near an area belonging to the Islamic State,

The head of the Sweida's health authority told a radio station that 215 people had been killed and 180 had been injured.

Syrian Human Rights Watch said the attackers killed more than 200 people, mostly civilians. A few hours ago, the Islamic State issued a letter in which it claimed to have killed more than 100 people during attacks.

Jihadists launched simultaneous attacks on several villages north-east of Sweida, where they collided with government forces, relocating public media

Regarding the city itself, at least two attackers fell into the air. One near a public market, and the other in another neighborhood, according to Syrian television. The official SANA news agency said that other activists had been killed before bombs exploded. One of them was hanged by the locals right in front of the hospital where the jihadist wanted to explode.

The observer noted that jihadists took several hostages in the villages that they attacked.

Meanwhile, Sweida Governor Amer al-Eshi said in a television interview that the authorities had arrested an attacker and that "the city was now calm and safe."

The Islamic State lost last year almost all the territories that it captured in Syria as a result of separate attacks by the Russian Army and the United States. a military alliance supported by the United States. Since then, President Bashar al-Assad has continued attacking the last remaining rebel-held enclave near Damascus and Homs

after losing several bases in eastern Syria. Last year, the Islamic State launched several insurgency operations from the desert lands in the desert.

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