Moscow asks Russians arrested in the United States as a secret agent. How Maria Butina worked


  Maria Butina
<! – Maria Butina ->

The Russian Foreign Ministry on Thursday launched an online campaign for Maria Butina, a Russian citizen arrested last Sunday in Washington and accused of attempting to influence the US presidential election in 2016

The Ministry used the hashtag ] #FreeMariaButina to ask supporters to replace their own images of social networks with the image of women considered by US secret prosecutors in Moscow.

On Wednesday, a court dismissed the application for parole of high school graduates 29, who was in the United States on a study visa.

The official allegation against it is " conspiracy to act as an agent of the Russian Federation in the United States," from 2015 to the beginning of 2017.

The Office of the Prosecutor claims that Butina acted on the orders of a senior Russian government official, about whom the Justice Ministry said that he was subject to US sanctions. In front of the court, the Russians claimed that she was innocent.

On the other hand, new details on it appear. The woman, who was in contact with the Kremlin people, managed to get closer to President Donald Trump.

She used her charm to infiltrate political organizations and even managed to get invitations to make speeches several times. American Universities

According to the indictment, she was preparing to leave the country when she was arrested, just the day of Donald Trump's meeting with Vladimir Putin

Belle and passionate about weapons, Maria Butina was received with open arms in American conservative circles

According to an online profile of the owner of several furniture stores in Siberia, Butina became an activist for the right to wear a weapon in Moscow. This has attracted the attention of Russia's powerful and opened the door to the powerful National Rifle Association in America. Donald Trump's current security advisor, John Bolton, then a member of the association's management, even appeared in a clip of the organization Butina

John Bolton, presidential advisor: " the Russians have the right to carry weapons, can I tell you what this freedom means to the Americans and encourage you? "

Butina came to attend the events at which Donald Trump was invited. he asked a question about the sanctions against Russia

Donald Trump, president of the United States: "I think I would really understand Putin, and if we are firm, I do not think that he There is a need for sanctions. "]

According to prosecutors, Maria Butina had a facade relationship with a South Dakota politician and offered some one to another intimate favors to join an organization. who was interested in her. She was invited to rs in universities and summer camps of republican youth

All the while, Butina contacted Aleksandr Torsin, an influential figure in Russian politics. All history drew comparisons between her and Anna Chapman, a Russian spy who became famous after being arrested in the United States in 2010.

  Maria Butina
<! – Maria Butina ->

Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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