Multivitamins and Minerals Do Not Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease or Associated Deaths


The use of supplements containing multivitamins and minerals does not reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease or associated deaths, according to an analysis of existing studies cited by Reuters (1968).

"There is no specific evidence that these stimulants support cardiovascular health.We hope our work will help close the debate on this topic," on the use of multivitamins and minerals to prevent cardiovascular disease, "said Dr. Joonseok Kim of the University of Alabama, Birmingham,

.Americans spent about $ 36.1 billion in vitamins and nutritional supplements in 2017 , and many believe that these products preserve health by preventing diseases, including cardiovascular disease.Most large-scale studies have not found such benefits.

The team coordinated by Kim collected evidence from 18 studies involving more than 2 million participants to study the links between supplements and various cardiovascular problems, including coronary artery disease and stroke. rebral

The use of supplements, including multivitamins and minerals, has not been associated with the risk of death from cardiovascular or coronary heart disease, stroke or death, according to Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and These supplements were associated with a slightly lower risk of developing coronary artery disease, but this difference was only observed in studies that did not take into account the consumption of fruits and vegetables and only in studies were conducted outside the United States.

Studies The United States and Diet and Diet Have Not Found Any Statistically Significant Advantage of Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the Prevention of Heart Disease

"We Learned Experiences previous that it is extremely difficult to influence the public when it is a strong perception, and the stake is the commercial profit.However, I believe that health professionals and researchers have the evidence needed to educate the public with accurate information and focus more on the pressing issues for effective prevention of cardiovascular disease, "said Kim

. encourage people to talk with their doctor about the use of supplements and redeploy their resources to improve cardiovascular health, such as fruits and vegetables and exercise

Susanne Rautiainen of the Karolinska Institutet of Stockholm, who intensively studied the use of multivitamins and minerals and the prevention of diseases but did not participate in the study, expressed the hope that the results will encourage doctors not to recommend vitamins to healthy patients. 19659011] [ad_2]
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