Nearly 3.5 million Romanians watched TVR during the match France – Croatia 4-2


The final of the match France – Croatia, 4-2, was the most watched moment of the evening, recorded a wider audience than all TV channels in one place in Romania. France – Croatia was by far the most watched match of the competition

The final of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia brought together, as expected, the largest number of fans in front of small screens. The match between France and Croatia (4-2 final score), played on July 15 at 18h at the Luzhniki stadium in Moscow, once again took the leadership position of Romanian television to the undisputed public eye. TVR broadcasts live and exclusively the 64 World Cup matches on TVR 1, TVR 2 and TVR HD

On average, 2,690,000 million Romanians watch TV on Sunday night, TVR 1, recording an average score of 15 % of 43.3% at the national level, between 18.00 and 19.53. With regard to the public in the urban area, the World Cup final had 1,734,000 spectators (average score of 18%, average share of 48.2%). The figure of 773,000 is the commercial target (17.6% average and 56.1% average market share)

The most watched moment of the match that brought France the second world title was recorded towards the end of the match (19.45), when 3,497,000 Romanians watched TVR 1 (note 19.5%, share 50.7% nationwide). At that time, TVR 1 exceeded by more than 230,000 viewers the sum of the audience recorded by all the other TV channels followed in Romania. In urban areas, the most watched minute was the last World Cup at 19:53, while Croatia was still struggling to hope to change the score on the scoreboard: 2,185,000 viewers (22.7%, share 55.7% ). The final of the game was also the most attractive for the commercial audience, at 19:51 bringing the audience record to this target: 966,000 people (21.9%, share 62.6%)

World Championship Award was also among the preferences of viewers Sunday night. And during the broadcast period (20.19-20.43), TVR 1 was the first in all audiences. At the national level, nearly 2 million Romanians (1,912,000) wanted to experience the joy of victory with the best football players in the world – average score of 10.7%, average share of 27.7%. Of these, 1,176,000 are the urban goal (12.2% and 30.6% market share).

And the small final of FC FIFA Russia 2018, the match between the Belgian and English representatives, has aroused the interest of viewers. On average, 1,074,000 Romanians watched Belgium's win over Angla at Sankt Petersburg Stadium on Saturday afternoon, posting TVR 1 at the top of the audience rankings with an average score of 6% and an average share 22.1% nationally. On average, 702,000 urban viewers watched the final on TVR 1 (average score of 7.3%, average 25.3%), of which 281,000 were the commercial goal (average score of 6.4% and average market share) 30.4%).

Microbes or not, the Romanians attended the football show of the year. In the ranking of the top 10 TV programs of the 2018 FIFA World Cup (14 June – 15 July), 8 places are occupied by football matches and Studio Mondial editions broadcast by TVR 1. Top 5 national, is exclusive of TVR 1, with 5 matches of CM FIFA Russia 2018:

  • 1. France – Croatia (15 July 18h00) – 2 690 000 viewers
  • 2. Croatia – England (11 July, 21.00) – 2 291 000 viewers
  • 3. France – Belgium (10 July 21h00) – 2 164 000 viewers
  • 4. Russia – Croatia (7 July, 9 pm) – 1 962 000 viewers
  • 5. Colombia – England (July 3 9:00 pm) – 1,892,000 viewers

TVR broadcasts live and exclusive all the parties of the 2018 FIFA World Cup Russia Soccer. For more than 50 years, from the CM 1966 edition in England, TVR is the only television broadcasting the biggest football event in the world. The World Championship in Russia, the first organized by Eastern Europe, is the 21st edition of the football tournament

* The rating (RTG%) is the average number of spectators per minute of Broadcast (or time slot) TV. The rating can be expressed in absolute numbers (in thousands of viewers) or as a percentage of the target universe

** Market Share (SHR%) is the percentage of the average viewer (RTG%) of 39, a show or time interval) of a television station and the average number of viewers on all television channels, calculated for the same time interval (or broadcast).

Source: Kantar Media, SRTv processed data

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