New anti-HIV treatment has been created more simply, but as effective as conventional therapies


  New, simpler anti-HIV treatment has been created but as effective as conventional therapies

New anti-HIV treatment has been created more simply, but as effective as conventional therapies

A new anti-HIV treatment with GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) has proven as effective as traditional therapy, involving a cocktail of three drugs, even in people who have high levels of C & # 39; s is the experimental combination of dolutegravir and lamivudine, also known as "3TC", which, as a result of clinical trials, has proven as effective as the triple anti-HIV therapy produced by its rival Gilead The results of the clinical trials – known as the GEMINI trials, coordinated by Argentine researcher Pedro Cahn – were revealed at the International Conference on AIDS, a conference on AIDS that is held from July 23 to 27 in the Netherlands. in Amsterdam

1,400 patients participated in the 48-week study. The researchers determined that the level of viral control in patients receiving dolutegravir and lamivudine was 91%, compared with 93% in patients who received standard triple therapy. Statistically, the difference is not significant, say the experts.

The failure rate or inability to control the human immunodeficiency virus was up to 1% in all groups of volunteers and no patient developed of resistance to drugs, according to Mediafax

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