New cases of measles in Galaţi County


57 other cases of measles were reported in ten counties and in the capital, the last week, the National Institute of Public Health (INSP) was transmitted.

The total number of reported cases has reached 14,758 since the beginning of the current outbreak. Thus, of the total number of confirmed cases of measles in Romania, reported up to 20 July 2018, 59 resulted in the death of patients.

During the week of July 16 to 20, 57 new cases were reported, in ten counties and in Bucharest, informs the INSP. There were no deaths last week, writes Mediafax. New cases have been confirmed in the following counties of Bucharest: Buzau (19), Bucharest (11), Iasi (new), Bihor (eight), Bacau (two), Brasov (two), Galati (two) Maramureş, Neamţ , Vaslui and Vrancea, a case

In the first five months of this year, about 70 cases of measles have been confirmed in our county, according to the Public Health Department of Galati. A year ago, a six-month-old baby from Tecuci died of this disease

An extremely contagious disease

Rujeola is a highly contagious viral infection. The disease is caused by the measles virus, a virus of the paramyxovirus family. This group of viruses usually causes respiratory problems. Rujeola is transmitted when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The virus spreads most often during the incubation period when the patient does not know that he is sick and that he has no symptoms. Vaccination is the only way to prevent measles. Also known as measles, measles often causes complications. Of four people who have measles, a person needs to be hospitalized, and one of 1,000 patients with measles, the disease is life-threatening, it attracts the attention of specialists.

Complications may be severe

Rujeola is considered an eruptive disease with most complications. We often talk about overinfestations of the respiratory system (acute angina, laryngitis, bronchitis, bronchiolitis, pneumonia, bronchopneumonia) but also heart disease (myocarditis, pericarditis), purulent conjunctivitis, stomatitis, otitis, even l? encephalitis (the virus also affects the nervous system). A very rare complication (one case per 100,000 infections) is sclerosing panencephalitis, which occurs a few years (three to seven years) after infection with the measles virus because of its persistence in the nervous system. The disease is very serious (it affects behavior, causes gait disorders, vertigo, neurological and progressive physical deterioration) and often ends in death in the following months

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