New York Times director urges US president to stop "disrupting anti-press rhetoric" / Trump's reaction


Arthur Gregg Sulzberger, director of the New York Times, urged US President Donald Trump to stop "deeply troubling anti-media rhetoric," claiming he could "lead to violent acts" against journalists , BBC News

  New York Times Director Urges US President to Stop

New York Times Director Urges Trump to Stop "Disturbing Anti-Pressing Rhetoric"

Donald Trump Says Sunday "J & Spent a lot of time talking about the huge amounts of fake news published by the media and how these fake news are "Trump!", Said Trump in a post posted on Twitter, not to mention that he used it repeatedly

Later, in a press release, the editor of the publication talked about his meeting with Trump's president at the White House, which took place ten years ago days. [19659005] Sulzberger said that he told him The Trump statement that the phrase "false news" is "false and prejudicial".

"I warned that this incendiary language contributes to a growing threat to journalists and will lead to violence."

The New York Times he said that he had not asked Trump to stop criticizing the publication, but that he was trying to "reconsider his attacks on journalism" .

A few hours after the publication, Donald Trump posted a series of posts on Twitter in which he claims the press is "panicked by Trump Syndrome."

"90% of the press reports on my administration are negative, despite the positive results they're getting," the president said on Twitter, saying the New York Times and the Washington Post "are doing nothing but to publish bad things, even on very positive achievements – and they will never change. "

The White House confirmed Sunday that Donald Trump met AG Sulzberger on July 20.

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