New York Times: Romania weakens legislation on misuse in an unusually fast way


The American newspaper The New York Times claims that "Romania weakens the law on the abuse of power in just three days", indicating that the Bucharest Parliament approved the amendments to the Penal Code of a "unusually fast" way

The New York Times: Romania weakens the law about abusive employment in an unusually fast way

Government officials claim that the goal of the changes is to stop the abuses of justice, but critics say that the goal of these measures is to weaken anti-corruption efforts and could
has long-term effects on the rule of law in Romania, writes
the author of the article in The New York

Hundreds of cases of service abuse, some of which are high-ranking politicians involved, are currently under investigation in Romania, but most will likely be affected by the news measures.
These changes "could have immediate implications for a particular case: that of Liviu Dragnea" comments the journalist Kit Gillet, the author of the material.

The reporter also notes that these legislative amendments are approved a little more than a year after the publication of an emergency ordinance that effectively disinfects low level corruption,
causing the biggest demonstrations in Romania since the fall of the communist regime. The government then yielded public pressure, but continued to try to limit the powers of the courts
and prosecutors by other means.

Kit Gillet also claims that international pressure on Romania is likely to increase on this subject, and notes that embassies in Bucharest some Western countries have
appealed to the Romanian authorities asking "to avoid the introduction of amendments that would weaken the rule of law or Romania's ability to fight crimes and
Corruption "

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