News Alert | 10 children! Thailand's mega-rescue operation is nearing total success


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UPDATE 13:00 The 10th child has been released from the rescue cave. The plan of the international rescue team seems to be a great success. In the cave there are two children and their coach. She was there on June 23rd. According to which supports international sources, families are not allowed to come into contact with guns until medical examinations confirm that they have not taken of viruses in the three weeks that they have been in extremely bad conditions.

UPDATE 12:00 The ninth child was released from the cave. The first time the information was given "by sources" by local journalists around 10:50. The confirmation came after about 25 minutes when Reuters quoted an official source.

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As you know, FIFA has invited the 12 children to the final of the World Cup on July 15th. Today, the Thai official thanked for the initiative and announced that such a way is excluded for the child because of their state of health [19659004] UPDATE, 10.07.2018, 9:30 No less than 19 divers started fighting this morning to rescue the remaining five captives on June 23 in the Tham Luang Cave of Thailand . It's the third day, scheduled to be the last, in which the rescuers will do their best to get out the four junior footballers and their coach

On Sunday and Monday, eight children were recovered, four a day. The rush is caused by weather forecasts announcing heavy rains and high risk of flood full of caves.

After finding the group of footballers, with the children and their trainer remained a doctor and three members of the special unit of the army. Virtually nine people have to leave the cave today.

UPDATE 16:20 After bringing out as many children as Sunday, that is, four, the rescuers suspended the actions. Just as they did on the last day. Perhaps the decision is to replace the "oxygenated" oxygen containers along the flooded tunnels needed to move the kids. At this point, there are still four children left and their trainer of 13 people locked in the Thai cave of Tham Luang on June 23

UPDATE 15:40 Another child was saved by divers. Rescuers are trying to reduce the time needed to get everyone out of the cave to minimize the emergence of new risks. In the area where the cave is again starting to rain. As is known, heavy rains have caused the collapse of the walls of Tham Luang and 12 footballers aged 11 to 16 years and their coach have remained captive since June 23. Up to now, 8 children have been out of the cave

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UPDATE 14:45 Two other children have been brought to light by rescuers of Tham Luang cave in Thailand. Thus, the number of those who were removed from the blockade has reached seven, four Sundays and three today.

The gesture of FIFA for children stuck in the cave of Thailand. Infantino would like the World Cup final when he was in power

  Locked children in the cave
The 12 juniors blocked in the cave

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UPDATE 14:00 This morning it managed to remove another footballer the other eight colleagues and a coach. The information is not official, but was given to reporters near the relief headquarters by a volunteer who participates in the operations. After half a day of mild lull, the weather again broke and started raining. The child was seen on a stretcher and will probably be transported by helicopter to the hospital

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UPDATE 09:16 This morning, journalists from large Daily newspapers announced that it is announced that the resumption of withdrawal from the place where they are captive on June 23 is imminent

The official reason for the interruption of operations yesterday is the replacement oxygen tanks mounted along the corridor on which the eight remaining captive children and their trainer. Apparently, rescue teams are hurrying because meteorologists are announcing a rise in water levels due to rainfall

UPDATE 17:21 The BBC has recalled and announced that only four children have been evacuated from the country. cave towards this moment. All four are in a "perfect" state and have been transported to the hospital for investigation. The chief of the rescue operation, Narongsak Osottanakorn, announced that he still needed at least ten hours for the next rescue mission.

UPDATE 16:00 . The rescue operation of the child continues successfully. According to the BBC, six children have been saved so far

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Rescue operation of 12 children and their coach, stranded June 23rd in a cave in Thailand, started Sunday morning and is underway. So far, four children have been removed and taken to the hospital. Unfortunately, during a search for solutions as fast as possible to unearth children, an experienced diver, aged 38, lost his life because he was not 39; oxygen.

The Thai agent is busy storing some oxygen sources on the underwater route on which the children were to be removed.

"More importantly, we start taking children out of the cave.They are currently in the hospital near the cave" Tossathep Boonthong Chief of the Department of Health Chiang Rai Province. The children will stay for at least 24 hours under medical supervision in this hospital, after which the decision will be made when they are transported to other clinics, depending on their state of health. Because the situation of young people is critical, their parents will not be able to visit them in the next 48 hours.

At the entrance of the cave, there are 13 medical teams. Each of them has an ambulance and a helicopter, ready to intervene in the case of each of the 12 children and their coach, "The Guardian".

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Thai football players aged 11 to 16 and their coaches ventured on June 23rd. , after training, in Tham Luang cave, located in a dense rainforest near the Myanmar – Laos border

They remained stuck in the cave due to the abundant monsoon rains and no contact. could be established with them.

The football team was discovered nine days after their disappearance. An international relief team was formed after the disappearance of the young men in the Tham Luang cave.

The great joy was that the 13 people were found alive, but they were very weak, and the problem was to leave the cave It may take about a month. However, an emergency response was made as it was concluded that it was safer.

The saviors discovered young people beyond Pattaya Beach, the area where they thought they were refugees. "The beach of Pattaya was flooded, but we found them further, at a distance of 300-400 meters" said the governor after coming into contact with the missing

Tham Luang

Rescue in Thailand

Footballers stuck in the cave

rescue operations

How many children were saved in Thailand

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