Nine members of the same family were among the victims of the flooded Missouri ship


The victims of the dredged vessel on a lake in Missouri have been identified. Nine of the 17 dead were members of the same family, said Fox News State Governor Mike Parson

The report of the victim on the boat that sank at Table Rock Lake in Missouri has reached 17 On Friday, Stone County Sheriff Doug Rader announced in a press release that a Missouri dive team had found the bodies of the last four missing Friday morning.

Amphibian amphibious sank Thursday at 7:00 pm (Friday, 3:00 am Romania time), in an area with stations in southwestern Missouri, near the border with Arkansas.

At the time of the tragedy, the wind beat 100 km / h. A video shows the boat sinking into the troubled waters of the lake. Several survivors were hospitalized, including a 13-year-old woman and a 13-year-old family member.

The vessel, used to show tourists the places to admire both on the water Rader said at a press conference, to be raised.

The gear dive is being investigated by the US Coast Guard and Federal Transportation officials. Local authorities did not want to comment on the possible causes of the tragedy on Friday

. The ship had a captain and a pilot who survived the accident and who appears to have life jackets, Rader said. 19659009] Read: The new ePassports are now valid for 10 years. Romanians who went to the passport service did not know the change

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