NLP MP attacks traffic police: "Do not you feel sorry for the blow?" Agents' reaction


For television

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The Romanian Traffic Police Group says it is analyzing the possibility of filing a complaint against MP Florin Roman and asks the Romanian police for a public position on his statements

The Liberal MP does not understand why the police are opposed to changes to the highway code that aims to pre-emulate the radars, and he wonders if the reason is not the "disappearance" and "they can not wait anymore."

"Instead of being warned, are you dead?"

Florin Roman, PNL deputy, initiator of the draft amendment to Article 109 of the Highway Code, which provides, among others, that the presence of police cars the radar must be pre-registered through signs, 500-1000 yards in advance, wrote Saturday on Facebook that she would like to understand, but can not why do the road police oppose the pre-notification of the radars, and he wonders if the reason is not that the wreck disappears and that they can no longer expect.

"I would like to understand, but I can not, why do road policemen oppose the pre-deployment of radar as a means of prevention, just because the parody disappears? that I can not stand still? Just because they can no longer be arrogant? " Liberal MP wonders

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Interior Minister's reaction to the letter police officers from the Iohannis Road

He says that he circulated about 500 kilometers in Italy and that everywhere there were prefabricated radars, and "drivers slow down and avoid accidents and the fines."

"Why am I dying today on the highways of the people?" "Is it good?" "Hunting and dying?" He will never push the large number of dead on the roads, instead of preventing you,

The traffic police group in Romania sent, in a press release, that he plans to file a criminal complaint against the PNL deputy, which "harms the honor and prestige of the Romanian police."

"Following the appearance in the public space of a post on the social network of the deputy Florin Roman, and the prestige of the Romanian police through the use of words and expressions insulting to all police officers, cataloging them as "scams" and "ciubucari", the Romanian police road group, by the National Union of Police and Contract Personnel, analyzes the possibility to access to the prosecutor's office the competence of a criminal complaint against the deputy Florin Roman for committing the offense provided for and punishable by article 296 of the Penal Code. same time, the possibility to submit to the competent court an action concerning the denigration of Romanian police personnel, using in the public space expressions or words intended to undermine the honor and the dignity of the police "

The Romanian group of the road police Friday sent an open letter to President Klaus Iohannis in which he draws the Romanian police's attention to the Romanian police chiefs. that after the adoption of the Highway Code amendments for the pre-deployment of radar equipment, "the number of road accidents involving excessive speed will increase alarmingly" . Police exhort the president not to adopt the law asks to appeal to the Court

The Chamber of Deputies, acting as a decision-making body, adopted on July 5 a draft law amending the law. Article 109 of the Government Ordinance no. 195/2002 on public road traffic, which states, inter alia, that the presence of police radars must be pre-marked with signs at 500-2 000 meters before

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Seymour Hersh, Pulitzer Prize Winner

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