No candidate entered the contest for the post of Chief of DNA / Tudorel Toader: Let's wait


Justice Minister Tudorel Toader said Thursday morning that when he checked, one day ago, no prosecutor entered the race for the chief of DNA, but he is convinced that the number of candidates will be higher than that of the competition for the post of director of DIICOT

  Image of the article No candidate entered the competition for the post of head of DNA / Tudorel Toader: Let's wait [19659003] No candidate entered in the competition for the position of chief of the DNA. Tdorel Toader: Let's wait </p>
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"You agree that I do not watch every minute." Yesterday, at 10 o'clock on Wednesday, there was no one, I say, wait till Monday , see if someone is going to sign in. My belief is that more will be saved than when it was the DIICOT procedure, "said Toadorel Toader on Monday. The deadline for registration is July 30th.

The Ministry of Justice organizes, from 09-30.07.2018, to its headquarters in Bucharest, street Apolodor, no. 17, sector 5, code 050741, selection of prosecutors for the appointment of the vacant position of general prosecutor of the National Anticorruption Directorate

The competition was organized after President Klaus Iohannis signed the revocation decree as Attorney General of the DNA of Laura Codruta Kovesi

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