No cats! Tips to protect your child's teeth


1. Without Drinking Milk or Milk

Today, more and more dentists are pointing out that the number of caries is increasing. Experts believe that one of the reasons is that babies have bad habits before bedtime. The first thing you can do to avoid cavities is not to give juice or chicken milk at night.

2. Do not soak the pacifier in sugar

Some parents resort to a very unhealthy trick for the little ones, to calm them when they cry: soak the pacifier in sugar or other sweetener to relieve the baby. But experts say that this leads to the appearance of cavities, being totally inappropriate for teenage babies.

3. Keep a journal

Specialists recommend that parents keep a diary in which they write down everything they eat or drink. You will be surprised to discover how much refined carbohydrates and sugars consume your baby in a week! Such a journal can help you take steps to improve the little one's diet.


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