Nobel Laureate in Medicine: Death begins in the colon


"Death begins in the colon," says Elie Metchnikoff, Nobel Laureate in Medicine. Food is the first mistake made by the modern man in his choices. The deterioration of health is the consequence of a chaotic lifestyle that does not adhere to the basic principles of a healthy body.

Today, people equate only 10% of nutrients in the diet. This is due to the formation, over time, of a "mucoid plaque" which is a mixture of partially digested and degraded material mixed with toxic substances and drugs, and reinforced by hardened mucus deposited on the intestinal wall.

Over time, this sheath can weigh between two and 11 kg of metabolic waste! These incrustations become stronger and act as a "wall of separation" between the intestine and the food, thus preventing the process of assimilation of food. This will make our food as healthy as all the nutritional supplements we add, to no avail if its assimilation is hampered by a consistent mucoid plaque.

Why will deaths start in the colon?

Roasted foods, high in starch, with a lot of protein additives, make the mucoid plaque very difficult, so it is pushed on the neighboring organs liver, biliary bladder). A poisoned colon has bad consequences on the body.

Toxins from the colon spread throughout the body and attach to tissues and gradually poison brain tissue.

Here are the signs that the body gives you when your colon is loaded:

– weakness and lack of vigor;

– poor digestion: bloating, diarrhea, constipation, nausea;

– heavy breathing, sweaty odor, whitish deposits on the tongue;

– significant obesity or abdomen;

– insomnia, circles;

– relaxed hair, dry skin, acne;

– headache or back pain;

– poor general condition; drowsiness

Solution: Vegetable Fibers

A major recommendation for researchers to reduce the risk of colon cancer is to adopt a high fiber diet. A minimum of 35 grams of fiber a day reduces the risk of colon cancer by more than 40%. The fiber intake can be brought in whole grain bread, oatmeal, brown rice and whole grains (such as wheat flakes).

Spinach, peas, lettuce and cabbage provide nutrients and are major sources of soluble and insoluble fiber.

Spirulina, by its content of chlorophyll, causes the cleaning of the intestinal tract and repairs weakened tissues.

Apples, grapes and other water-based fruits like red watermelon "wash" the parasitic system and toxins that promote disease.

Fruit and vegetable juice brings the necessary vitamins to the colon and body, escapes excess stool and controls their elimination.


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